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["Take me back to the night we met"]

I couldn't stay there any longer. I had to get out as soon as possible. Knowing myself, I'd probably start drinking again. I wouldn't waver.

After my storming out of the house, no one dared to question or even follow me. I left the IT team behind, shouting for the millionth time that nothing changed in my bank account. The money was still vanishing without a trace leaving a blank screen.

Calias words still rank inside my head never leaving my mind free. My fist clenched almost hitting the hard tile.  Instead, my fingers tense around small pebbles nearby and in a swift motion, I throw them in front of me into the distance.

The stone landed somewhere and I let out a deep breath.

Calia is gone, I drove her out. How I controlled my anger towards her at that moment is still a mystery. Otherwise, she would be dead by now, her limbs hanging on each side like broken guitar strings.

I gave her a chance, another chance, and she threw it into the water to sink like a ship's anchor. Her little speech about me, about Maria, will unfortunately live freely in my mind.  Even after repressing the memory will only make me enraged again.

The burden on my shoulders is still a familiar feeling. I lost a lot of things in the past three days. One of those things is my integrity and dignity.

But the feeling was all too real.

I lean my back on the cold roof, my eyes on the night sky and moonlight that shines through transparent clouds. Even the stars are twinkling in the direction of the moon, leading the way like it's going to descend the sky every moment.

A breeze blows through my hair and ears, creating a soft melody.

"Hi love, you look beautiful tonight." I surprised myself when my voice didn't break. I even managed to smile, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I miss you. I miss both of you." I whisper, closing my eyes.

As the little feet tapped the floor with every step they took, giggles followed them like a river flow. Maria's laughter tailgated one step behind me.

We both chuckle as our little son tries to run away in nothing but a half-dressed diaper.

My hand caught him, taking him into my arms as I sat us on the ground.  Maria caught up to us moments later, snuggling up next to me with her head on my shoulder and her hand in the baby's fluffy hair.

His little head fell on my chest as he played with the buttons of my shirt.

My hand reached out to hug my wife, placing my palm gently on her stomach and caressing it slowly.

"I love you," I told her, kissing her head.

She responded quietly, kissing my shoulder and wrapping her arms around me and the baby.

I finally have my little family in my little world.

Vladimir Petrov's house has an attic from which you can climb onto the roof. But the thing is, when I go down that same opening, the boards below can crack. At best, I'd hang around.

But not tonight. I went down the attic to the ground floor, once more feeling the atmosphere of this house.

A lot has happened here.

Vladimir and Cassandra lived here.

This is where Maria's and my first kiss took place.

And here, Maria was the first person to whom I told about my past and about the scars that I hid in my gloves.

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