Chapter 47: The Tension

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You seriously don't know what a Carousel is? It's the spinning thing with horses!

I haven't been to many fairs. Maybe I've seen something like it.

Something like- how sheltered are you?

Luz took a while to respond. She hated any time Amity pointed out something that she should know. Like a Carousel! Eventually, she typed up something. I need to go to a fair next time one is close.

Well, there's actually one a few blocks from my house. Maybe the two of us could go there together.

Luz nearly squealed in excitement. Her first trip to a fair in years. She nearly went to ask if she could invite Willow and Gus to make it a party.

Then the reality set in. Amity was asking her to go to the fair. Juts the two of them. Just Luz and Amity. Oh. My. TITAN!

Her face went tomato red, realizing that this might count as a date with her crush! "Wait. Amity didn't say this was a date, s-so maybe this is a friendly outing! Between good friends! Yep, totally!"

Luz quickly responded to the text. Yes! That would be super fun! When should we go?

She laid back on her bed, totally enthralled by her sudden luck. Maybe this wasn't a date, but hanging out with Amity was always a plus in her eyes.

Meanwhile, at Blight Manor, Amity dropped her phone onto the mattress. "Is this a date?!?"

She didn't take any time to really think about what this was. Asking her crush to go alone to a fair... which typically had at least one "love ride" styled attraction?!?

But this was Luz she was talking about. Luz probably wanted to go with a friend.

Still, Amity couldn't get the other day out of her head. Your hair was beautiful at Grom. That wasn't a typical friend statement. And if it was, Luz's reaction made it clear she was embarrassed.

Put simply, this could be an unofficial first date for the pair. Amity needed to make sure she was fully prepared, and that meant she needed time.

She typed her responded in the text chain. How about Friday? We won't have to worry about school, and my mom should be at a dinner meeting. Maybe at 6?

A few minutes later, Luz responded. Great! See you then!

"Yeah. See you then." Amity laid on her bed, unable to get the cute brunette out of her mind. This was going to be amazing.

Three Days Later

Ding. "Coming!"

Eda made her way to the front door. She hadn't ordered food or anything, so who could be at the door?

When she looked through the peephole, she sighed. Eda opened the door. "Hi, Lilith. How are you?"

"Good." Lilith yawned. "Tired, but good. How have you and Luz been doing?"

"Alright. Juts so you know, this is the third week in a row you've come here directly to ask me that."

"O-Oh, is it?" Lilith gave a small smile. "I just want to make sure my sister and nice are doing well. You also told me not to call too much."

Eda rubbed her head. "Yeah, because you always call when I'm in the middle of something. You want something to drink?"

"N-No, I'm good." Lilith yawned again. "I was wondering if I could see Luz again."

"She's at school."

"Oh, right. It's Friday." Lilith nodded to herself.

Eda eyed her sister suspiciously. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" 

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