Chapter 42: The Norm

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As Luz walked in the school hallway, she couldn't help but smile at how carefree everyone was. The people with her at Hexside were just teenagers. Most of them didn't have a care in the world, outside of how much they hated a teacher/class/classmate.

Even those that had other problems mostly just had to worry about themselves.

She was so lost in thought, that she startled upon someone tapping her shoulder.

"Hey Luz." Willow said. "How was your trip?"

"O-Oh, pretty good. Eda's parents are pretty nice."

"If someone asks, you should probably call them grandpa and grandma."

"Right." Luz agreed. She turned to her friend, and gave her a quick hug. It caught Willow off guard, but she didn't mind it.

"What? You're leaving me out of hug time?" Gus snarked.

Luz laughed. "Shut up."

They kept walking, taking the chance to talk while making their way to first period. Apparently, Willow got to go visit an Art gallery. Gus spend the time editing one of his dads old reports on a popular-at-the-time coffee shop.

"Um... why?" Luz asked.

Gus shrugged. "I need the practice. And making old footage look modern is a fun challenge."

He veered off from Luz and Willow towards a classroom. "Well, this is my stop. Don't have too much fun without me." With that, he disappeared into the classroom full of talkative teens.

"I'm not the only one that sees he's confident now, right?" Luz asked.

Willow nodded. "To be fair, more confident. Grom actually might have helped him... despite being a big, scary demon."


The girls moved on to make sure they wouldn't end up late to their classes. It didn't take long to find their classes. They split up, agreeing to meet at lunch later.

The next few hours, Luz got back into routine, listening to her teachers lessons. She didn't really pay attention, since her mind was a bit preoccupied.

The memory of Evelyn, blissfully unaware of Belos, passing on what little she could. Finding out that the Golden Guard - Hunter - was just as terrified as the residents of the Boiling Isles (if not more).

She was zoning out... until getting called on by the teacher. "S-Sorry. What was that?"

After a few students laughed, she repeated. "What is the formula for Hydroxide?"

"Um... Oxygen and Hydrogen?" Luz guessed.

"Close. Add on a negative charge due to the addition of an electron, and you would have it. OH¯"

Luz nodded, silently feeling frustrated that she didn't pay attention to the last few minutes. Save the witch stuff for later. You have plenty of time later.

Once the bell rang, everyone hurried out of Biology, presumably because very few people really enjoyed the class. At least, as far a Luz knew.

She was once again startled after another friend tapped her shoulder. But it wasn't from the surprise.

"Did you enjoy zoning out?" Amity asked. "Again."

Luz nervously chuckled. "Y-Yeah! Sorry, I just forgot you were in there too, since this is Biology! We're in the same class! We have multiple classes together, heh..." She noticed Amity tilt her head in confusion. "I-I've been talking for too long."

"Anyway... how was your trip? Was it good?"

"Yeah!" Luz and Amity began walking down the halls, catching up over the weekend.

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