Chapter 39: The Time Long Forgotten

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"Hold up. Wittebane? Wasn't that the name on the grave?" Luz asked.

Evelyn sighed. "Yes. Do you recall Caleb Wittebane? He and I married, so I took on his name." She got lost in some memory, completely ignoring her surroundings. She paced the room as she recalled her late husband. "You know Hunter, you look an awful lot like Caleb."

"H-How do you know my- the slab at the start." Hunter's mind was reeling from who she was, but he didn't forget everything.

Evelyn smiled. "Yes. I know your names through the slab. Sorry for not providing a better design. Depending on how long it has been, my methods may seem barbaric."

"Not exactly." Hunter said. 

Luz was simply ecstatic to meet such an old witch of her magic. A wild witch- or regular witch in Evelyn's case wasn't common.

"Now, as to make use of my limited time, I suppose I should begin to explain, well, everything." Before anything else could be said, she summoned Flapjack into his staff form. She tapped the ground, causing the area to light up. "First, about how I am here."

As earth-formed seats appeared, Luz and Hunter took their spots. Stringbean simple rested on her shoulder.

The old witch made a better designed chair to sit in. She had a sort of elegance to her movement that impressed Luz and confused Hunter. A wild witch outperforming either of them in visuals alone.

"I am not truly alive anymore, as I have no physical body left. Before my death, however, I created this place for my magic soul to rest, only awakened by any lost witch Flapjack could find in this world. What you see is a collective of my memories, knowledge, and remaining magic combined to create an image of me with a conscious mind."

"Woah." Luz stared in awe, only dreaming of how this could be done centuries ago.

"I made those tests so that only a witch with knowledge of the glyphs could pass through." Flapjack chirped into Evelyn's ear, and she responded by nodding. "Well, any individuals who know about glyphs and can figure out their meaning. Props to both of you. So, I can now answer whatever questions you have.

Luz stumbled over herself trying to figure out what to ask. "H-How did you figure out the glyph combos?"

"Simple. I tried connecting the basic glyphs to see the result. While mixing them into one glyphs does not work, connecting them with lines and understanding your intent go a long way. After that, I began recreating the glyphs combinations into my spells. I should admit I am not the only one to do this. I found the idea in a book. Does it still exist?"

Luz shrugged, no longer smiling. "Maybe. There aren't many books left on wild magic. I had one at home, but then I got taken from my home." She glared a Hunter, hoping to guilt him over kidnapping her. He had other plans.

"You married Caleb Wittebane." Hunter reiterated. "Then you know Philip Wittebane?"

Evelyn faltered. "You should forget that name. He was not a pleasant man to know."

Hunter glared at her. "I thought you could answer whatever questions we had? I want to know."

"I never guaranteed what the answers would be."

"Then answer me yes or no. It's not like you have to deal with me knowing."

She sighed. "You really remind me of Caleb. He was very snarky at times. When we first met, he want constantly asking me about magic and demons." Evelyn composed herself, making a choice. "Yes, I did know him."

"How?" Hunter asked. He ignored the glares from Luz right next to her. She was fanning over this random witch she just met, but Hunter didn't have to do the same. He cam for answers.

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