Chapter 6: The First Bout

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Luz finished finessing the beanie onto her head, double-checking her outfit, before turning to the changing room's mirror. It was a different outfit than she was used to.

She had on a white shirt covered with purple stripes, a jacket that the tag said was "Hunter Green" for some reason, and some casual blue pants. So this is what humans wear? Not very prepped for wild animals, huh?

She folded the clothes back up, changing back into the sweater she had found yesterday. Along with it was a long, black skirt that made her uncomfortable. Outside the room, Eda stood impatiently.

"So, you good with any of that?" Eda asked in a snarky tone. Waiting nearly ten minutes had taken her patience.

"Yeah. These work." Luz smiled, not caring to acknowledge the tone.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash that could be heard outside. The area shook a bit, before the screams of citizens running away from something overpowered everything.

Luz sprinted to the door to see what was wrong, and what she saw horrified her.

Out there, in the middle of the streets, a Slitherbeast in all of its fur-coated glory was wrecking cars. Any human within the vicinity was immediately growled at, although it focused more on property destruction.

Luz spun a small circle to change from the sweater into her witch outfit, but Eda quickly caught up to her.

Eda grabbed her arm. "Kid! What are you doing? We've gotta get out of here!"

"That's something from my world, Eda!" Luz shouted back. "No one here knows how to deal with it!"

"So you wanna put yourself in danger for no good reason?"

Luz smiled. "Actually, I do have a reason! I am the only one that can do something right now!" And with that, she broke Eda's grip, and began sprinting to the beast ahead of her.

As Luz ran to fight the Slitherbeast, cape flowing in the wind, Eda sighed. This goal was stubborn. Not in a bad way though.

She turned back to the store, planning to pay for the clothes she was holding.

As Luz reached the over-sized fur-ball it juggled a car in its mouth, crushing down while people were inside.

She went to immediate work, using vines to trap the beast in place. Then, she sent a blast of flame towards it.

The Slitherbeast shrieked from the spell, causing the car to fall right or off its mouth. The humans in the car escaped, while it turned to face the attacker.

Luz shrank from its glare.

The beast began charging toward her. She created a pillar of ice from the ground, temporarily distracting it. Slitherbeasts aren't usually so aggressive. Is it mad because it's on earth?

Luz didn't have much of a chance to think further, as she had to leap to the side in order to dodge the chewed up car thrown at her.

The car flipped down the road, crashing into a nearby building. That made Luz more aware of the surrounding area, which was not entirely evacuated. Plus, the buildings would take damage as well, although her focus was on the humans.

The beast found another car, lifting its claws underneath. Before it was fully off the ground, Luz had another two spell circles prepared.

It flipped the car in her direction. She responded by shooting vines from her left hand spell to a wall, and then pulling herself with it. She quickly shot off the one in her right hand to catch the far, before it could hit the people escaping behind her. She then proceeded to swing the car back to the Slitherbeast.

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