Chapter 46: The Café

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Hunter yawned while Flapjack flew towards the big city. "Are we finally here?" 

A quick chirp told him that this was it. After flying throughout the night, he was finally arriving in New Haven. According to Flapjack, the witch had said it was an hour away.

It didn't take long for him to realize that was with the metal carriages humans used to travel. On staff, with no directions, Hunter had spent way too much time simply flying in a general direction. Thankfully, he knew how to survive in the wilds.

He had left Gravesfield over a week before, hoping to try and prepare. Getting food for nourishment was somewhat better, but he really wanted to practice with his Palismen.

Hunter knew he would need to be able to utilize the tiny bird's magic to defeat Luz. Last time he was closer than he should have gotten, but most of that was luck.

Next time, he wasn't going to take a chance on losing to the witch. "I'm coming, Luz. Just wait."

Chirp! "Wha- no! I meant witch! I'm coming, witch!"


Amity pushed the door open to the small café. She arrived around the time Luz said, even though she was taught from a young age to be early. Luz probably wasn't raised the same, though.

She closed the door as she scanned the place for her favorite brunette. She didn't see Luz.

Unfortunately, Luz had decided to invite Amity and her other friends: Augustus and Willow. Both of which were sitting in a booth already.

Amity froze up. She hadn't talked to Willow since explaining the situation when they were younger. They barely acknowledged each other in the halls! Why did she think this was a good idea?

But Luz had been excited for all of them to show up. "It'll be fine. I already asked Willow. She doesn't care either way."

Maybe this could be fine. If Willow didn't care, then there was no reason to panic.

Still, Amity began wondering whether to go over now and create an awkward situation, or wait for Luz to make everyone more comfortable. She didn't have to wait long.

"Amity! Over here!" When she looked up, Gus was waving to her from the booth. Willow seemed to pull out her phone quickly.

Amity sighed, before putting on a smile. At least she didn't have to regret making the wrong choice now that it was made for her.

She walked over to them, taking a seat in the available space. It happened to put her right next to Willow. "H-Hey."

"Sup." Gus leaned back in his spot.

The awkwardness quickly set in. Willow poured all of her attention into her phone, barely looking at Amity.

Amity also looked away, simply tapping the table lightly to the beat of the song being played. She wanted to avoid causing any trouble, so hopefully this was good.

Gus, however, decided that he didn't like being quiet. "Man, it's ironic that Luz is last."

"It is?" Amity asked.

"Yeah. This whole thing was her idea, and she is the only one of us not here yet. Ironic."

More silence followed the trio. Gus tried a few more times to start a conversation, and Amity always replied.

She could tell that Gus had the best social skills in the group, without coming off as obnoxious. He was like Skara, but calmer. Amity could appreciate that.

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