𝗼𝗼. 𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙙𝙖𝙮

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                                                          chapter three:

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                                                          chapter three:

KAI FOUND HERSELF LESS ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT CHARIOT RACING COMPARED TO THE other campers, but she took pleasure in aiding the construction process. It reminded her of the moments she spent with her grandfather, fixing little things around the house that bothered her mother. It also served as a welcome distraction from the looming threat that the camp faced.

Engrossed in the feel of clay between her fingers, Kai skillfully molded sculptures, envisioning her girlfriend and herself painting them later. Meanwhile, Annabeth and Percy focused on sketching chariot designs for the upcoming race. They had made the decision to team up, given that Athena and Poseidon's best—and maybe only—collaboration in mythology was the chariot.

During their work, Annabeth struck up a conversation. "Why isn't Grace participating, Kaia?" she asked casually, carefully correcting a few lines on the sketch.

Kai, her hands covered in dry clay and smudges adorning her face from unintentional contact, replied, "She believes the whole chariot racing thing is a waste of perfectly healthy trees. She's contemplating joining cabin four in their boycott. Katie was more than happy to welcome her."

Percy chimed in, curious, "Are you boycotting as well?"

Kai shook her head. "No," she denied. "My mom made treats for Grace, Annabeth, and me to enjoy over the summer—"

Annabeth interjected, smirking, "And you devoured all of yours within a week."

Kai grinned, remembering, "Yes, I did. But Grace said I could have some of hers if I decided not to participate. So if she asks, I didn't."

Percy playfully feigned disappointment, asking, "So you're only here for the snacks and not to cheer us on?"

Kai confirmed with a nod, "Yup."

Percy's curiosity piqued further. "Since when were you close with Apollo's cabin?" he inquired.

Nonchalantly, Kai explained, "I've always been close with them. Grace moved to Hawaii due to her mom's promotion. We had already been in contact, so it was no surprise when we started hanging out. Percy, you've met her before. How do you not remember? She was always around when Elias visited."

Percy shrugged dismissively. "Guess I forgot."

Annabeth snorted, unable to conceal her amusement. "Sure."

Percy, feeling defensive, glared at her. "What?"

Feigning innocence, Annabeth responded, "Nothing." Sensing a potential disagreement, she quickly changed the subject, redirecting their attention to the chariot design. "Should we make the wheels bigger? They seem quite small."

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