𝙤𝙤. 𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚

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                                                            chapter six:

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                                                            chapter six:

DURING HER TIME AT CAMP, KAILANI OFTEN FOUND IT DIFFICULT TO FALL ASLEEP. Restlessness would take hold, and her mind would wander. Seeking solace, she would quietly slip out of her bunk and venture into the night. With each step, she would escape the confines of the cabin and find herself under the vast expanse of the night sky. Gazing upwards, she would marvel at the celestial tapestry that unfolded before her eyes, feeling the weight of the world slowly dissipate. In those quiet moments, when the world was hushed and still, Kai found a sense of peace. Sometimes, she would be joined by ​Annabeth, who shared her nocturnal tendencies, often engrossed in her late-night readings. Together, they would sit beneath the starlit heavens, their silent companionship affirming that they were not alone in the embrace of the night.

Tonight was no different.

The teens had camped out in the woods, a hundred yards from the main road, in a marshy clearing that local kids had obviously been using for parties. The ground was littered with flattened soda cans and fast food wrappers. They'd taken some food and blankets from Aunty Em's, but didn't dare light a fire to dry out their damp clothes. The Furies and Medusa had provided enough excitement for one day. They didn't want to attract anything else. They decided to sleep in shifts. Percy volunteered to take the first watch, Kai after him.

Annabeth, her delicate physique nestled amidst the blankets, succumbed to sleep with a gentle serenade of snores. A scarf cleverly wrapped around her head, safeguarding her precious curls from the encroaching filth of the earth, remained a testament to Kai's foresight and unwavering concern for her friend's well-being, even if it was just about keeping those blonde princess curls soft and bouncy. Safely cocooned in her makeshift pillow, a mere band-tee shirt, Kai couldn't find solace in the embrace of slumber, her mind restless with unspoken thoughts and hidden treasures.

"Go ahead and sleep," Percy told her. "I'll wake you if there's trouble."

Kai shuffled from where she was laying next Annabeth, ''Can't sleep.''

Observing Kai's sleepless state and the object of her unwavering attention held delicately in her hands - its contours caressed by her thumb's rhythmic motion - Percy's curiosity ignited like a dormant spark brought to life. Wary of the old adage warning against the perils of curiosity, he found himself unable to resist delving further into the enigma before him.

Unable to endure his unwavering gaze any longer, Kai gracefully shifted from her position next to Annabeth, her improvised pillow temporarily abandoned. With measured movements, she inched her way towards Percy, finding solace in the comforting support of the tree trunk against her back. Gingerly, she extended her hand, offering him the picture, her eyes avidly studying his countenance as he perused its contents, their surroundings punctuated by the delicate tinkling of her necklace's initials beneath her touch.

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