When Devon finally sat down in his car, he sighed a breath of relief. Pulling out his phone, he checked his emails and found the background checks were completed. All three of them are clean.

He would check the records himself in detail in a bit once he is home. Thinking of the comforts of his room made him smile. Not because his bedroom was his sanction, but rather Dan.

Dan's smile is just enough to make you smile along with him.

With that in mind, he headed towards the parking lot exit. It should be almost lunch time around about now. He didn't eat at all at with this date.

Not even the waiter could get a word in before Gerda started to speak a whole novel out.

Yep, Devon was hungry.

He was excited to just get to his room and have lunch with Dan and sip on some delicious blood.
Devon zipped through the traffic with ease. He eventually arrived at the entrance of the castle and entered.

A servant took care of Devon's car, taking it away for it to be cleaned.

Devon's smile did not escape Valaria's gaze. "Oh! Devon! Did this date go well! Look at that wide smile!"

"Uh, no. It went horribly.” Devon chuckled, but contained himself. “Gerda...she talks...a lot. I think she would've passed out if she didn't breathe for air.” Devon said, hoping his mother got what he meant.

Valaria seemed to get the message. “Don't get too picky, Devon.” She said.

“Mother, the serial killer case you're working on. How bad is it?” Devon asked. If his mother is working on it, then it meant it must be important.
Before becoming Queen, she was the top detective in the country.

Like Devon, Gabriel found his queen through the immense dates he had to go through for his coronation.

“Son, don't worry about it. You need to focus on your trip to Japan and on finding your future wife.”

What if I don't want a wife?

“Mother, I just want to help you.” Devon said, holding her hands in his.

“I know, sweetheart. You have a big heart, but everything is under control. Don't worry, okay?”

With a kiss on his cheek, Devon nodded and watched his mother leave.

He turned and continued on to his bedroom. As he did, he walked past Quinton, who had just as big of a smile on his face. Devon found it odd. He never saw his little brother smile like that.
He ignored it, not wanting to talk to him about a smile.

Devon stopped at his bedroom door and frowned. It was silent, safe for the TV airing the news? Devon opened the door and saw why.

He zipped towards Dan. “Dan! Wake up!” Devon said loudly. Dan didn't open his eyes. Devon checked his pulse. It was there.
“Why is he asleep?”

Devon turned Dan's head, and saw the forming bruise on his forehead. Picking up the human, he puts him down on the bed.

Going to Dan's food, he noticed Dan only ate like five bites. He picked up a flapjack. He could smell something off in it.

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