Chapter 20

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Author's note:

I finally found some motivation and wrote this chapter at like 2 in the morning. Its quite a long chapter, so suit yourselves.


I  broke into an apartment through the window, determined to complete my mission. I just want to get this done with and relax. My grey eyes showed no hint of emotion as my coal black hair swayed a little as a small breeze entered the apartment through the open window.

I closed the windows slowly and made my way towards the door of my target's bedroom as I clutched my knife tightly in my hands. The door was slightly ajar giving me the view of my target whose back was facing me as he was getting ready to go somewhere.

It was my perfect oppurtunity to strike as he was unguarded making me barge in with my knife aimed straight at his neck but was surprised when my wrist was caught in a firm grip and my knife dropped to floor.

I didnt hesitate to draw my second knife with my left hand that I hid in my sleeves and swung it but he stepped back avoiding a fatal blow. I reacted fast dashing towards him and swinging my legs around his neck and slashing the back of his knee with my knife.

He lost footing and fell on the floor as I pinned him down ready to plunge my knife down his throat but froze once my dull metallic eyes met a pair of familiar red eyes. "Ro?!" I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Sister dearest?" He asked equally shocked.

I looked at the large mirror in the front and saw my dark hair turn into a honey blonde while my metallic eyes took a shade of bright red making me gasp. My heart was racing threating to jump out the ribcage thinking about what would have happened if I succeeded my mission. I would have killed my own broth...

"Whats wrong little sister?" I heard a voice that sent shivers down my spine. I slowly turned around and was met with a pair of metallic grey eyes I had just moments prior but it didnt belong to me. It belonged to....


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Levi... Levi Ackerman.

"You know you cant return without completing your mission right? Father wont be happy. Finish him off so we can go home." He said, his voice firm while it was getting difficult for me to breath. "I... I cant." I managed to speak up as I tried desperately to fill my lungs with some oxygen.

"Why not?" Levi asked tilting his head a little. "He.. he is..."  he is my what? Why did I struggle to kill my target? I have never done that before. "My brother." I choked out surprising myself as I stood up with wobbly legs noticing Levi's eyes darken. "You didnt have any problem killing your brother before. You are afterall someone who killed her own family." He said with a chuckle as my eyes widened like saucers.

"So you shouldnt have any problem killing him. Finish the job now Mackenzie!"  He commanded making me shiver.


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