Chapter 19

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Karuizawa Kei's POV:

My teeth clattered against each other as Ishizaki poured another bottle of cold water over my head as I sat there unable to do anything to defend myself. Being around Maaya and Kiyotaka has given me a sense of security that I almost forgot what its like to be like this.

Weak and hopeless.

That is how I have always been. Clinging onto anything that will protect me from the darkness of the real world allowing me to be the fake persona I depict myself to be. A parasite is exactly what I am.

I was extremely upset and dumbfounded when Kiyotaka called me the other day and apologized to me saying that he was no longer going to aim for Class A and use me as his pawn. It has been a while since we started calling each other using given names. It was kind of relieving to know that there are people who arent going the judge the real me, friends I can lean on to without worrying about judgement.

Even though I knew Kiyotaka saw me as nothing but a pawn, I can't help but feel safe around him. The friendship I have with Maaya is difficult to describe. It feels odd yet so familiar. I feel no need to put up a mask when I am with her. I can put my weakness on display yet not feel vulnerable even though I know she is capable of crushing me without a second thought.

When I panicked and immediately contacted Maaya, she reassured me that she wasnt going to abandon me. She said that we are still friends. It hurt to know that Kiyotaka no longer needed me but he did say he will help me when I am in trouble.

So he will definitely come to save me right? There is no way he is going to abandom me right?


"Just make it easy already Karuizawa." I heard Ryuen's voice as a chilling feeling seeped through my bones. "You dont have to suffer anymore. No one is coming to save you. You have been abandoned by the mastermind." He said making my eyes widen. Did he really abadon me?

If not him, atleast Maaya will come for my rescue wont she? We are friends afterall, arent we?

"Now hurry up and spill it." Ryuen demanded as he lifted me off of the ground and slammed me against the wall making my lips parted in a silent cry while Ibuki and Ishizaki just watched me suffer in the hands of this monster.

"Hey Karuizawa!" He called me as he pulled me forward with my shirt to face him making me look at him weakly with no choice. "Why do you think Manabe and the others showed up to the place where Hirata asked you to come at the cruise exams?" He asked making me look at him with confusion evident in my eyes.

"Its because the mastermind set you up. You were set up from the beginning so you could be used. Maaya is a sharp girl, she predicted that you would be the mastermind's choice and pretended to befriend you inorder to find the mastermind or perhaps she already knew who they were and helped them in setting you up." He said making me think back to the day when Kiyotaka found me after being bullied and blackmailed me into helping him.

"No way!" I mumbled with my eyes wide as I processed what he said. Ryuen still isn't sure about Maaya's connection to Kiyotaka but that is the least of my concern as of now.

"As long as you dont learn to stand on your own, there is no way to escape all this."

I recalled Maaya's words from the day she saved me from Manabe and the others. Was she trying to save me from Kiyotaka's plans for me? No, I dont think thats possible. She loves him too much to do something like that. Then why? Was what Ryuen telling me true? Was I set up from the very beginning? Does that mean...

"And now the both of you have thrown you away. No help is coming for you." Ryuen's voice broke my thoughts as I wrapped my arms around myself shivering in cold. "No.. no way. Thats not true." I mumbled trying to convince that I am not alone in this but the reality hit me like a ton of bricks. "So was I just assuming he was gonna protect me? Did she really not see me as a friend?" I continued mumbling to myself.

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