Chapter 17

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"Maaya-chan! I am glad the exams were not as hard as I expected. The study sessions with Yosuke-kun really paid off." Kei said happily as she took a sip of her drink. We were currently in a cafe celebrating the end of the paper shuffle exams. Not to mention that I havent hung out with Kei in a while since I was busy with the Ayanakoji Group.

I dont mind her company though I wouldnt call her my friend. The only reason I approached her in the first place was to make sure she wouldnt catch feelings for Kiyo. There was also a sense of familiarity since she was a victim of brutal bullying.

I do act friendly with her but that doesnt mean I actually consider her as one. I dont have many friends whom I actually let my guard around. Karuizawa Kei is an important pawn for the guy I love so I just make sure that she has someone to lean on other than Kiyo so she doesnt go catching feelings for him.

It isnt that I dont trust Kiyo with our relationship. Its just I extremely hate the thought of seeing my Kiyo with someone else that I would do anything to prevent him from thinking of someone else besides me.

"You are right, the exams were easy. Say Kei-chan, you have been dating Hirata-kun for a while now. Do you think there is a chance for you to develop actual feelings for him?" I asked with an innocent smile making her choke on her drink.

"What? Where did that come from?" She asked confused making me smile. "Well, you definitely deserve someone who treats you right for who you actually are and Hirata-kun is a really nice guy who knows all about you. I just want you to be happy you know." I said, the first part of it was actually genuine.

I dont hate Karuizawa, I actually enjoy her company. I just dont want her to disturb my relationship with Kiyo in any form. "No way. Yosuke-kun is a nice guy but he is too naive for his own good. He is not my type." She said her honest thoughts making me sigh.

"I see." I hummed not wanting to continue the topic when I remembered the devastated look on Kushida's face when we were given the question paper for the exams today. It made me so happy even though she did a good job in covering her expression.

"Can you do me a favour Kei-chan?" I asked her with a smirk on my face. "What is it?" She asked curiously. "I want you to invite Kushida to Karoake now saying that you are hanging out there with the other girls." I said which made her look at me in surprise.

She was about to question me but I gave her a look that efficiently shut her up as she picked up her phone to do as I said.


I waited as I sat with my arms wide spread and a leg on top of the other. Soon enough the person I was waiting eagerly for arrived with the annoying fake smile of hers.

"Kouenji-san!" She exclaimed a little surprised to see only me. I smirked remembering how desperately she tried to avoid Kei's invitation. She was in a really bad mood and putting on her facade was tough but she was an expert at it afterall so she ended up accepting after Kei's constant nagging.

And here she is, stuck alone in the trap I carefully set for her. The most awaited day of Kushida Kikyo's doom.

"Ah Kushida! I was waiting for you, take a seat." I said motioning her to sit opposite of me. She was slightly suspicious but took a seat nonetheless making me smirk. "Um.. Koeunji-san, where are the others?" She asked as she put on her cute girl act.

"There are no others Kushida, I just wanted to talk about something important to you." I said giving her one of my innocent smiles which I knew she recognized as a fake. "Oh! What did you want to talk about Kouenji-san?" She asked with a hint of curiousity.

Her innocent act fell as soon as I played the video of her voluntarily placing Kiyo's hand on her breasts. And I saw her getting more angry as I played the video of her talking about her past.

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