Chapter 13 : Dine And Dash

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Yoona's POV:

I was at the gate of Lee residence,Minho's family home

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I was at the gate of Lee residence,Minho's family home.more like a mansion,I was here instead of Minho as he had a family dinner planned with his extended family.The grand mansion stood imposingly, its polished facade reflecting the moonlight as I approached the opulent entrance. The air was thick with tension as I entered the lavish dining room, where a family adorned in wealth sat at a long, elegant table.

The room fell silent as all eyes turned toward me, their gazes cold and aloof. The atmosphere was as frosty as the crystal chandeliers overhead. I felt the weight of unfamiliar expectations as I navigated through this foreign world. The dead silence made every step I made echo through the walls of the giant hall the family was seated in.All of a sudden,I had forgotten to walk.I strided the room hastily and took a seat at the table.

Seated at the head of the table was the stern patriarch, his piercing gaze penetrating through me as if he had already seen through my facade. "You're late," he declared, his tone cutting through the silence. I stammered an apology, desperately searching for words that would appease the frosty assembly.

I recognized a face among the austere relatives – Bami,my childhood bully,

I recognized a face among the austere relatives – Bami,my childhood bully,

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now a grown-up version of the tormentor I once knew. Memories of taunts and jeers flooded my mind as I tried to maintain composure.His eyes gleamed as if he had recognised me, a cruel smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth,he looked as despicable as he did in school.I couldn't think of a reason he would be a part of Lee family.In school Minho or Minha never interacted with him so why is he here.

As the dinner unfolded, I struggled to engage in the stilted conversation. The family's disapproval hung in the air, making each moment more unbearable. In the midst of the discomfort.

Mr Lee's voice sliced through the tension once more. "MINHO, you've been rather quiet. Tell us about your recent endeavors." Panic gripped me, but I conjured a tale of  photoshoots and philanthropy, trying to match the façade of the life I had temporarily inherited.

After the family dinner,I decided to venture around the place.I entered a room besides the staircase.I didn't expect the room to be adorned with pictures of Minha.At the end of the room I saw Mr Lee seated on a chair.He didn't seem particularly well.Though hesitant at first I decided to check on him.I sat across from Minho's father. His initial gaze had been stern, mirroring the image Minho had painted of a distant and cold patriarch. As the conversation unfolded, however, a subtle transformation occurred, unveiling layers of complexity.

I noticed sadness in Minho's father's eyes. He spoke of Minha's dreams and aspirations, each word painting a vivid picture of a spirited and ambitious young woman that my Minha indeed was.
He held the canvas of Minha's last painting,I never really got her abstract art because its too complex and arbitrary,but taking a profound look at the canvas I realised why she had named it "The Longing".It consisted of a perfect family she had always wanted for us,a world where I never lost my family,where she never had to leave home, a world where we could be together just like we were together before everything fell apart.

Abstract art, once an enigma, now wove the tale of our intertwined destinies. In the strokes, I saw Minha's family: her father, mother, and herself, alongside a silhouette representing the love she aspired to find, and two innocent souls, the offspring of her dreams.

A melancholic pang gripped my heart as I recognized the other family portrayed – mine. There stood my father, my mother, and me, each captured in a moment of unity. Beside me, as Minha had predicted, was a gentle-looking boy, a
symbol of the love she insisted I deserved. It was a poignant
The canvas whispered stories of longing, of dreams entwined but never realized.

She had left her home at 15 only but the room seemed to resonate with Minha's presence, and I began to understand the profound impact of her absence on the family.I wish I could tell Minha how deeply loved she was by her family.She never once in her lifetime felt so.

Mr Lees voice trembled as he recounted the missed opportunities and unspoken words that lingered in the corridors of his memory. It became evident that, beneath the stoic exterior, he carried the weight of regret for not fully comprehending his daughter's inner world. I sensed the unspoken emotions, the longing for a chance to bridge the gap between father and daughter.

Mr Lee's musings on life's fragility resonated with a sense of vulnerability. He spoke of the transient nature of happiness, reflecting on the choices made and the inevitability of change. The room became a space for introspection, a canvas on which the father painted the intricate tapestry of his own experiences.

In the midst of these revelations, I saw not just a grieving father but a man who had weathered the storms of life with resilience. The layers of his character unfolded, revealing the sacrifices made for the sake of the family.


I strolled through the garden to get some fresh air after realising how tragic life has been for Lee family after Minha passed away but soon I saw someone that made me question if it was actually the case for everyone involved as I saw a
tall and impeccably dressed Bami, the former school bully. His jet-black hair was expertly styled, complementing a face that now boasted sharp angles and a confident demeanor. The once menacing scowl had transformed into a charismatic smirk, belying the manipulative intelligence within. Clad in designer suits,

 Bami moved through social circles effortlessly, his magnetic charm drawing people in

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Bami moved through social circles effortlessly, his magnetic charm drawing people in.I was determined to ask him why he was here but I couldn't ask him as it would draw attention to my cluelessness about the family so I decided to call Minho instead. Minho's answer revealed a shocking truth.I realised Bami was none other than Bambam,Minha's fiance she was asked to marry by her father.The real reason Minha had left home at 15.

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