Chapter 4: The Adorable Bunny Who Called Me Hyung

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I cautiously entered the dorm room, trying not to make assumptions about how it would look, for fear of being disappointed.

To say I was taken aback would be an understatement.

The room was a complete disaster, with clothes strewn haphazardly, multicolored socks scattered on the floor, the lingering scent of pizza and snacks covering the table, and a desperate attempt to mask the sweaty aroma with an overpowering deodorant. My sensitive nose made it almost unbearable.

"Thats it I am out of here"

More than ready to make a hasty exit from this chaotic dorm room, a plump-looking boy emerged out of nowhere and embraced me in a tight, hug.

" Hyuuuung"

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" Hyuuuung"

"Thank God you're okay," he exclaimed.

I found myself not resisting the embrace; in fact, it felt like I needed his hug more than this Lee Know guy he is actually hugging here, my mind went blank for a moment.

We were worried you would stay in the hospital another week," he continued. "You know I hate staying in my room alone, huh?"
"Stay alone in his room "ooooh so, he's the roommate of this Lee Know guy, I thought.

"Go take some rest before dinner is ready,"

he suggested with a smile,

and I couldn't help but notice that his smile was oddly reminiscent of a bunny. "Adorable," I mumbled, not loud enough for him to hear me.

Soon my mind raced as I wondered about my room. I had no idea where it was, but I hesitated to ask. The easiest way out, I thought, would be to pretend to be too tired to walk.
Bingo," I mumbled to myself and leaned against a nearby table. "I am too tired. Could you help me walk?"

"Awww, I knew you weren't well,I told you to tell the manager you were unwell and couldn't perform at the concert but do you ever bother to listen to me NOPE" and, out of nowhere, pulled me close by my waist, carrying me.

My mind buzzed with questions. Are they just friends, or are they boyfriends? What concert were they talking about? Are they some sort of entertainers or what idols.Idols tend to be very handsome but this guy here?????
I stole a glance at his face, pondering whether he could pass off as an idol. He did look pretty decent, or I would rather say pretty enough I don't know whatever ,I quickly shifted my gaze when he met my eyes. He laid me gently on my bed and, to my surprise, lay down beside me.

They are boyfriends for sure ......oh my goodness what do I do if he tries to pull some romantic shit here,would it be wrong if I play along,oh no the real Lee Know would kill me if I did,I avoided eye contact with him,Well I am sick is the easiest excuse to not adhere to anything he asks me to do but he is kinda cute so I wouldn't mind.May be a little kiss wouldn't hurt.If he leans in I might kiss Oh my goodness what is wrong with me

But as I tried to analyze the situation, I realized it could just be two platonic best friends lying on the same bed, looking at each other innocently. Wait, that didn't sound very platonic. Was he looking at me? I contemplated turning to check but decided against it. What if he leans in to kiss? I thought. Let's just turn... 1, 2...

"Hyung," he called out softly, his words pulling me out of my anxious thoughts.

"She would be so sad to see you hurting yourself. What happened wasn't your fault. Do you think she would have blamed you if she was here? She loved you more than anyone else in the world, and I know how she treasured you. So why are you tormenting yourself? Minha would never want that, would she?"Tears welled up in my eyes and streamed down my face, seeping into my hair. I felt a chill but couldn't muster the strength to pull the blanket over me. My sobs intensified, and my tears soaked into the pillow.
He wrapped his arms around me, and I melted into his chest.
It was the first time someone had talked about Minha to me, and I wanted to talk about her too, but my throat felt too heavy.
"You don't have to be strong with me," he reassured me. "Just cry it out." As he spoke, I couldn't hold it in anymore, and I began to cry loudly, making him hug me even tighter.

Writers note:Its just a Minsung story at this point with an extra step of you being Minho✌️

Writers note:Its just a Minsung story at this point with an extra step of you being Minho✌️

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