Chapter 8:You are my Chu Sarang afterall

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Lee Knows point of view

As my eyes opened i found myself at an unknown riverside.
What had happened.
HOW DID I GET HERE,I freaked out.

Then I covered my face with my arm over my face so that no one recognises me.I hurried to the Stray Kids dorm.

Outside the security kept asking for my ID. I didn't have it with me so I asked him to just let me in as I am Lee Know.The guard threatened me to leave so I felt helpless.

Soon,I realised something was off about how I sounded,my pitch is weird.May be they dont recognise me because of that so I decided to not bother going to the dorm.

Instead,I could go to a hotel.It would be convenient to not argue with this clueless security guard.I didn't have enough energy to prove my point.I was exhausted and just wanted to hit the sack So does it really matter if I just rent a hotel room.

Soon, I realised I didn't have enough money as I didn't have any pockets ,this brought my attention to what I was wearing

and MY BODY,WAIT WHY DO I LOOK LIKE A GIRL. I thought it was a dream but then I pinched myself and felt the pain.

No it wasn't a dream.I felt dizzy and it felt unreal.I hurried to a mirror on roadside and although couldn't see clearly due to the dark.I could tell I looked like a girl.I freaked out.What had happened to my body.

Why do I look like a girl?

I tried to get a closer look at the mirror but couldn't as it was abysmally dark and the more I looked into the mirror the more I freaked out

So,I decided to just focus on the problem at hand right now which is to find a place to stay overnight.

I couldn't go to my parents house,they wouldn't recognise me either,I couldn't go to my own dorm.I can't call Hannie or anyone else because I don't have my phone with me.I was getting impatient and nothing made sense.

Luckily,I found some money in the backside of the phone case.An intersting place to keep money at but nonetheless now

I realised I had enough money to rent a motel so I did.The room was shabby but I didn't have any other options. I sat on the wooden bed scantily furnished with just one piece of cloth.It was too hard to sit on but I just laid down anyways.

Being idle brought my attention back to the phone in my hand.

It is soaked in water,it isn't responding ,it isn't functioning.

What happened to this?

I said to myself as I shook the phone and randomly pressed the homescreen.The phone screen lit up but it still wasn't responding.

As I looked at it,I realised
It had been hanged on a call.

The phone screen read Ài

As I looked at the screen keenly,I realised its a familiar number

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As I looked at the screen keenly,I realised its a familiar number.


Who is this girl,why was she calling Minha. May be I know her.

There was no mirror in the room so I decided to wait till morning to see my reflection to find out who's body I was in.

The room was unusually cold.The walls were old and with tattered wallpapers on it.

There was a painting of a wounded deer being eaten alive by a ruthless lion.Why would someone buy a painting like this and then hang it on a wall,I thought. I started shivering again as the night grew colder and colder

. Please don't leave,Minha,

I...I will talk to dad ....

you cant leave me,I told Minha when she left home.
I wasnt adamant enough. Had I been stubborn enough she wouldn't have left.

Minha had left home because dad wanted to marry her to his business partners son Bambam.Minha wasnt happy.

She was just 15 and dad wanted them to get engaged.She wasnt unreasonable that she wanted to leave.Its just that I was too helpless to do anything but just see her vanish away.

Next day,As I woke up I decided to finally see how I looked. I needed to look for a mirror.I decided to wash up and get ready to look for an answer to how I had ended up becoming a woman.

Wait,I can't wash up.Would it be inappropriate.I am in someone elses body afterall.It doesnt belong to me but I am very sensitive to smell.I cant go a day without bathing.I decided to close my eyes and use an cloth to scrub instead.That way I wouldn't touch or see the body.I got cleaned up and left the motel.

I came across a furniture show room.There would be a mirror inside, definitely and I was right .There was a huge mirror on one side of the shop.I slowly took steps and closed my eyes before seeing my reflection.

I slowly opened my eyes I saw a girl staring back at me.

Her eyes had a sweet sparkle in them as if all the stars of the galaxy had decided to reside within them.She smiled at me,no,I smiled coz of how sweet looking she is. I couldn't believe how familiar this face looked. It was as if I had known her forever.

Soon I was reminded of how this girls phone had my sister's phone number frozen on her screen made me realise who she was,






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Writer' note:In Korean Chu Sarang means Ist love.
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