Chapter 7:The Doppleganger

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As the day of the photoshoot loomed, I couldn't help but feel a gnawing sense of unease. I'd been thrust into this whirlwind of fame, and now I had to face the camera once somehow. I stood in a room bustling with stylists, makeup artists, and my bandmates all of whom knew exactly what they were doing and here I was trying to act like I belonged there.

With no clue about what to do, I simply mirrored the actions of those around me. Hours passed as I sat patiently in front of the mirror, surrendering my identity to the hands of the makeup artists. The transformation was profound, and as the layers of foundation and mascara piled on, I couldn't help but feel like a stranger in my own skin. I was no longer myself; I was living a fabricated existence.I was living a lie,I was living as some other person.
The reflection of Lee Know in the mirror was simultaneously familiar and alien,it was a face I recognized yet couldn't quite connect with. The image I presented to the world seemed like a façade, and the weight of it all was beginning to take its toll.I want to get back to being who I was.I am Ahn Yoona,not Lee Know.

When the photoshoot finally commenced, I fumbled through each pose and expression. The photographers and crew were kind and patient, but after an hour of failing to get it right, I reached my breaking point. Tears welled up, and I couldn't hold back the overwhelming sense of inadequacy any longer. I ran from the set, seeking solace under a flight of stairs.

The shoot was canceled, and a rescheduled date was arranged. We exited the building, only to find a crowd of curious onlookers gathered outside. The sight no longer surprised me; fame had become my new reality. But what did startle me was the familiar face among the crowd.

Amidst the sea of people, I spotted someone who looked just like me. "Is that me?" I thought, stunned. It couldn't be, but the resemblance was uncanny. Although I had given thought to the idea of how this boy Lee Know must be living as Yoona right now and even panicked at the idea of him being in my body making me feel both embarrassed and vulnerable but now that I saw him in front of me it looked unreal.Before I could think of getting to him. I was swiftly ushered into a waiting van, and we sped away.

"We are going to give you a tour after a hard days work,how does that sound",manager Do proclaimed with joy
YAAAAAAYYYYY HEEEYY, everyone shouted,but I was lost in the thought of how to reach out to Lee Know.
Our destination was the Seoul Observatory, where the agency had arranged for exclusive access. In a moment of bold curiosity, I messaged my doppelganger on Insta who was indeed Lee Know, and asked if he'd meet me at the observatory.

Writers note:The Doppleganger is Lee Know in the body of Ahn Yoona.This is a soulswitch troupe.I hope it isn't confusing So whenever Yoona is anywhere she looks like Lee Know but her soul is of Yoona.On the other hand Lee Know's soul lives in the body of Yoona.

Comment if you find it interesting.What would you do if your soul got exchanged with Lee Know's.Yoona looks something like the photo below.Its not conclusive that Yoona looks like this.You are free to imagine her however you like.

You are free to imagine her however you like

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