Chapter 9: The Halloween

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Lee Know's POV

The thought of Yoona took me down the memory lane.

I recalled the first time time I saw her.

It was Halloween.

The theme of the party was Harry Potter.

(Writer's note:At the Halloween party,Lee Know would be this old as shown in the picture)

(Writer's note:At the Halloween party,Lee Know would be this old as shown in the picture)

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My father was an Army Chief.

We lived in the army quarters,various apartments mean't to be given to army officials and their family.

The quarters had a lot of Army families.

The party consisted of all the children of the army families.

I was insanely popular,

not only at the  party but in general as----

I was  revered as the son of the highest army officer at the quarters.

I had announced before hand that I was going to be Harry Potter.

No one else can be Harry Potter.Since ,I was Harry Potter.

Minha took a liking in challenging me.

She decided to become my arch rival Voldemort.

I didn't want anyone to be able to defeat me-------

but then I realised how Voldemort didn't defeat Harry at the end but------

Harry was more powerful than Voldemort either ways.

Some people were dressed--------

as Peter Pattigrew,

some as Umbridge,

some as Draco Malfoy,

one of the kids was even dressed as a Doby.

Looking at all the costumes,

I proudly announced how there was not a single person in the party------

who could defeat me aka Harry Potter.

It was an open challenge to everyone to claim to be more powerful than me.

No one dared to displease me.

You are not even Harry Potter properly.

Someone shouted from afar.

I saw a kid dressed as dementor walking towards me.

I got up from my chair to take a better look but the costume hid their face completely.

Before I could reply, the dementor pinned me against a wall behind me-------

and drew something on my forehead with a marker that-----

they had taken from a table nearby.

This sudden bold move of theirs startled me.

I was unable to think.


You can't be Harry Potter without the mark on your forehead--------

so I drew it,
said the dementor to me.

You you.... can't scare me.Who are you..... Don't hurt me.....,

I replied in a meek voice

Don't be scared of me,I am not a real dementor,

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Don't be scared of me,I am not a real dementor,

saying that the dementor kid pulled the costume up----

and took me within the costume.

It was like a sheet over both of our heads now.

I was face to face with her.It was infact not a dementor.

It was a girl.

She didn't look scary at all

She shouldn't have dressed like a dementor coz she looks like an------

angel, like a fairy.

What was this overwhelming feeling?

My sister Minha always used to say  that----

fear left me immobile and---

I froze if I was overwhelmed with fear

but right now,

I wasn't afraid of her,then why did I freeze?

Why wasn't I able to move or-----
take my eyes off her face?

Years later,I realised,

it was because I had fallen in love with her was a love at first sight for me.

Author's note: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you think first love is always special?

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