Chapter 6: Bang Chan is dangerous.....for my heart

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As I message Lee Know, I tell Bang Chan that we should wait for Yoona to arrive but soon we get a call from the manager who is panicking on not finding us in the dorm.

"Oh no manager Do has found out we are not in our rooms",Bang Chan proclaims

Bang Chan grabs my hand without much thought and opens the front door but even before he could open it completely a flash light blinded us.He jolted the door shut again and slipped over me and we fell on the ground.Even while falling he was considerate enough to put his hand under my head so as to not let me get hurt. This sweet gesture was too romantic for me to not blush.I know he was doing this for his bestfriend and bandmate Lee Know and not me but I am just a girl afterall,a girl trapped inside Lee Know,my brain still reacts the same way even if technically I am a boy right now.

Was I turning red,Oh no its bad if I am coz I have this thing where I turn tomato red if I am flustered and I can't control it.I felt my hands were grabbing his triceps,he had a really well buit body,it seemed like he worked out quite often.Would it be inappropriate if I feel his muscles.Soon my attention shifts from his body to his face,
"Don't look at his lips,Just dont", I told myself repeatedly.Before I made an irreversible damage to Lee Knows and Chan's friendship, I should get a grip on my thoughts.


Thats how boys talk to their homies right Oh no what if thats not how Lee Know talks to this cutie patootie.What happens if he realises I am not his bestfriend but just an imposter.There is no way he will figure that out. With a people pleasing complex of mine I couldn't stand him being hurt.

I AM SO SORRY,I DIDN'T MEAN TO ...... SHHHHHHH......🤫🤫🤫.He puts his hand on my mouth and I couldn't speak.

There is a sasaeng outside.She was clicking pictures.She followed us right from the dorm till here. We can't leave from the front door.Is there any other way out.

"We could leave from a window but the window will remain open then,lets just stay here until she leaves",I suggested .

"Do you think she will leave knowing we are inside"He replied non chalantly.
"We are stuck here.You put this girl Yoona in trouble too.Now when she comes back Sasaengs won't leave her alone and it won't even be her fault",he added with a look of concern on his face.Even in this tense situation,I couldn't help myself but give away a big radiant smile.How considerate and caring of this guy to think about my well being even when he hadn't even known me or met me, Yoona,he said my name as if he had known me for years."Yoona," he had said my name with an affectionate familiarity that made my heart flutter.
As we were both standing in the alley.It was a narrow space for both of us so we were quite cramped up allowing me to get a close look at his face which in dark wasn't quite visible but moonlight had lit just one side of his face and I could clearly see his features.I couldn't help but be captivated by his handsome face and the way his eyes sparkled in moonlight sent my heart racing as if in a marathon.My thoughts are interrupted when he proposes a crazy idea of climbing down the window using a rope from second floor.That way the house will be safe from burglars and we would get out too. It was a preposterously dangerous idea but I didn't want to say no to him.Something about him wanted me to say yes to everything he commanded no matter what.This boy is dangerous,not only with his ideas but also for my heart.Bang Chan is dangerous for my heart.

So we got a rope and climbed down the window and left.Luckily the Sasaeng lost track of us and we got back to our dorm. Manager Do was furious but he didnt yell at us.He asked us to take some reast as we had a photoshoot in four hours.

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