"Jellal you ass!!! You never told us about this!!! If that comes down, then we're all going straight to hell." Vidaldus shouted.

"Vidaldus-han? Do I sense cowardice?" His female ally asked.

"No!!! Reverse it!!! Just the opposite!!! It gets me high to be in the middle of the most dangerous job in the world!!!" Vidaldus shouted while doing the rockstar hand sign.

"There's no telling how much time we have left. But the moment Etherion comes down, everyone will die. That means the game ends without a winner." Jellal continued.

"B-But... What is going on inside this Jellal's head?! He could die too, and he calls this a game...!?" Lucy asked.

"Did he say Etherion? The council?! Th-That's impossible!!! He can't..." Erza began, but before she could finish her comment Sho turned her into a card.

"Erza!!!" Gray and Y/N shouted at the same time.

"Sho!!! What are you-" Simon began but was cut off by Jellal.

"Now... Let's enjoy our little game!" The mouths said before melting into the wall.

"Nobody's going to lay a finger on Sis!!! I will take out Jellal myself!!!" Sho shouted before running off.

"Wait!!! You're no match for him on your own!!! Dammit!!! I'll go after Sho!!! You guys go look for Natsu!!!" Simon shouted.

"I'm coming with you!!!" Y/N shouted following him.

"What why?!" Simon asked as he's followed by Y/N.

"Because, he's going for Jellal." Y/N smiled. "I'm going to make sure he pays for making Erza cry!" Simon just nods.

"Arrg!!! Why does everybody do this?!!" Gray shouted in frustration.

"Juvia will go this way with Gray-sama. Lucy, you go that way." Juvia said pointing in a random direction.

"Wait a minute!!! You're sending the weakest wizard off on her own?!!" Lucy cried out.

Back with Natsu, he slams his fist into the palm of his hand with a grin spread across his face. "I don't get any of this but all we've got to do is take this Jellal guy, and it's over right? Well, that fires me up!!!" Natsu shouted.

"I'd imagine he's at the very top." Happy said with a determined expression.

"Wh-What is this, Jellal? This Etherion... IF we get hit with that, we all die?!" Wally said, shaking in fear. "All I wanted was true freedom."

Natsu smiled at him with a genuine smile. "I don't know what brand of freedom you're looking for...but Fairy Tail gives a guy a lot of freedom, and it's really fun!!" He said, catching Wally by surprise. He then turns to Happy. "Happy!!! There's a back door to winning this game right?!"

"Aye!!!" Happy confirmed.

Natsu and Happy come flying out of the window, Happy using his wings and Natsu propelling them out of the window with high power flames on his feet. "We're headed up to the top floor in one go!!!!" Natsu cheered as Happy agreed. On the way up Natsu noticed something in the distance pursuing them. "What's that? Somethings coming this way!!" He shouted.

 "What's that? Somethings coming this way!!" He shouted

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