Franky regarded me as though I had lost my senses, his expression transitioning into one of concern for my mental state. His brow furrowed with worry as he ran his fingers through his hair, his gaze fixed on me, struggling to comprehend my words. Slowly shaking his head, lips pursed in a taut line, he approached, gently resting a hand on my shoulder across the bar. His voice softened, attempting to soothe, "You're unwell, lass. Please, sit. I'll fetch the doctor."

"Franky!" I cried out desperately, my voice quivering as I implored him to heed my words. "Please, hear me out," I pleaded, my voice barely audible. My gaze shifted to the window, catching a fleeting light, causing me to freeze momentarily. "Time is fleeting, understand?" I murmured in a hushed tone.

In a frantic whisper, I hissed, "Daniel was among them, among those creatures. He, alongside my father and their cohort, took me deep into the woods. They assaulted me and left me for dead..."

Ignoring the bewildered stares etched upon Franky's face, I pressed on, "Knox and Alexander, they differ from us. Distinct from the creature Daniel was but a unique entity themselves. A connection exists between them and me, I still don't understand it but...they're taking me away from this place, and I needed to bid you farewell. I couldn't depart without a word or simply vanish..."

Hurriedly stepping away from the bar toward Franky, I clasped his hands in mine, tears welling in my eyes as I pleaded, "I comprehend how preposterous this sounds, utterly insane, but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye."

"Adelaide..." Franky began, but I interjected, offering a rueful smile, "Despite knowing who my father was, having had you instead has been one of the best things to happen to me."

Franky wordlessly enveloped me in a comforting embrace, his arms a sturdy shield against my fears and anxieties, providing a sense of safety. Through sobs, I confided, "They'll soon come for me. Please, inform Ms. Landal that I'm safe, alive. Your kindness has been a beacon of light in my life."

Gently cupping my face, Franky began, "Lass..." But I pulled away, my attention drawn to voices speaking in Norwegian outside, signalling the approach of guards. Tearfully, I bid him, "Thank you for everything."

Moving toward the door, leaving Franky behind at the bar, I glanced back for a final moment, expressing, "Forgive my unintended harm to this land."

"I must leave. You may not share any of this," I murmured quietly while opening the door. Franky attempted to approach, but I had to depart. With a final tear streaming down my face, I promised, "But, I will return."

"Adelaide!" Franky's desperate cry filled the air as I exited, my foot lodged against the door handle, clinging to it, tearfully repeating my promise.

Racing out into the chilling rain, the downpour's icy touch contrasted with my burning skin. Franky's calls echoed in the distance. My heart pounded with uncertainty as I fled, clutching my dress tightly, fatigue setting in. Despite the relentless rain, I pushed forward, Franky's voice fading into the night as I ran away.

My frantic gaze scanned the narrow, cobbled streets, hemmed in by tall stone buildings, a hurried stream of passersby blurring in motion. The feeble glow of the street lamps offered scant illumination, while the distant sounds of approaching guards amplified my terror. My heart raced as I grappled with choosing a direction.

Desperately, I dashed toward the cemetery, each footfall pounding against the uneven cobblestones. Proximity seemed to calm my racing heart, drawing me toward the place where my mother lay at rest. Tears welled up as memories of her flooded my mind, wishing fervently she could be here with me. The cemetery emerged in the distance, shadowed headstones looming. With bated breath, I approached my mother's grave, trembling with each step. Kneeling down, my fingers brushed the cold marble headstone, the frigid stone contrasting with my skin. Collapsing onto her grave, my dress pooled around me as I wept. Thunder rumbled, resonating with my anguish throughout the desolate night.

"I did it, Mum..." I choked out amidst sobs. "But at what cost?"

"Since your absence, my life has crumbled. My morals and humanity shattered alongside my shattered view of the world," I lamented, fingers gripping the loose soil beneath me. The beast I had vanquished turned out to be my own father, the very murderer of my mother. Anger surged within me as I screamed at her grave, demanding answers. "Why conceal this truth from me? To shield me from the darkness veiled within our reality?"

"TELL ME!" I bellowed, my voice resonating in the nocturnal silence. Tears streaked my cheeks as I beseeched her, "Did you believe I lacked the strength to face it? That I couldn't endure?"

"Why did he take you away from me?" I murmured, my voice barely audible, eyes tired and brimming with tears, reflecting a hollow emptiness akin to hers. Time seemed to stand still as I lingered, thoughts swirling in a maelstrom of confusion and despair. A profound hollowness gnawed at my heart, yearning to unleash the fury boiling within me. Yet, all I could do was remain seated in silence, enveloped by the night's darkness and the solemn stillness of the cemetery.

The gradual approach of footsteps became discernible, resonating steadily nearer. Each footfall echoed a distinct crunch upon the gravel pathway. Fragrances wafted amidst the gusts of wind: a blend of spices and pine intermingling with the damp scent of grass and the earthy essence emanating from the grave. Amidst the rain, Xander conveyed in a sombre tone, "Your pain becomes our own, Adelaide."

A dry chuckle ensued, accompanied by a subdued sniffle, as I murmured grimly, "I would not wish that fate upon anyone."

"We should leave, Elksling; this weather may render you unwell," remarked Knox, prompting me to turn and observe both Xander and Knox. Clad in lengthy black coats descending to their ankles and dark trousers, both lords obscured their visages beneath the shadows of their hoods. Their attire bore stains of beasts' blood, a stark reminder of the night's events.

I rose from the grave, wiping away tears and relegating sorrow deep within, murmuring softly, "Very well."

I moved toward them with an impassive countenance, my steps deliberate and burdened, my posture stooped, and my gaze fixed upon the ground. Numbness enveloped me, my thoughts shrouded in a haze of bewilderment and agony. Refusing to meet their concerned gazes, I feared succumbing to further tears. My visage remained damp with the residue of weeping, my eyes reddened and swollen, yet I tightly contained my emotions, maintaining a resolute composure. Knox delicately lifted my chin, guiding my eyes to meet his. His gaze exuded tenderness and concern, his brow slightly furrowed, brimming with empathy. Softly, he inquired, "I pose the question again... do you harbor fear toward us? Having witnessed our capabilities."

Amidst the weighty silence enveloping us, punctuated solely by the rustle of the wind through the trees and distant thunder, I raised my gaze to Knox and Xander, eyes still moist from tears, and spoke in an unfeeling, resolute tone, "Do you fear me? For what I might be capable of?"


Thoughts on the chapter?

Was Adelaide in the right for running off?

Should Adelaide have run to Franky and told him the truth?

Does Adelaide fear her beloveds or truly herself?

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