Special: Chapter 2

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" Gumball if I don't find you at home by the time I arrive in Elmore then I'm going to get you at school." Dray said moving around his room trying to pack. " yeah ok. You should just come straight to school though, I have club after school." Gumball replied over the phone. " Ok then see you soon Gumdrop!" Dray teased which earned him a grunt from the other side of the phone. " I swear, if you call me that in public I'm going to pretend I don't know you!" Dray laughed at Gumball's response. " don't be so dramatic. Gumball and Gumdrop are exactly the same." He tried to convince Gumball again. " No they are not! You wouldn't like it if I started calling you um.... Uh... Hot – Hot sausage? No that was weak" Gumball then heard a loud laugh.

Dray continued to laugh but finally managed to speak." Oh Gumball! That was so inappropriate... And naughty!" His laughing continued. "Agh! Can't I say anything with you making it inappropriate!?" Gumball yelled. " I can't! You really need to think before you speak. No wonder people think your mean! And suspicious sometimes!" Dray said as he stopped laughing. " I have no idea what you people are talking about. Anyway I gotta go to class. Bye!" Gumball hung up. Dray continued to laugh as he put away his phone. Soon there was a knock on his door. As soon as he saw the people who came through the door his smile left in an instant.

" What do you two want?" Dray asked with an irritated expression. He wasn't pleased to see these two. " How rude little brother!" Darren said. " Must you always look so irritated to see us?" Darrick asked. "If you stop irritating me then I wouldn't be irritated, and how did you find my room!? I don't remember inviting you." Dray said to his older brothers. Darrick and Darren were Dray's twin older brothers. They were seniors at the college Dray started. He didn't even tell them when he started classes but out of nowhere on a random day they found his room. He assumed their mom told the twins that he's there and they just began to look for him. " How are we irritating?!" Darrick asked looking pained by what Dray said. " You two always butt into my business!" Dray said that while continuing his packing. " We're not butting into your business Drayson. Anyway...." Darrick spoke as the two were peeking into Drays bag. " ... What's this we hear about you dating a certain troublesome feline back in Elmore?" Darren finished.

Dray clicked his tongue. "It's non of your business and stop snooping in my things. You're making it hard to pack." The twins looked at each other. " Is he the reason you're going home?" They asked in unison. " And what if he is?" Dray said. " Hmm ok." They looked at each other again. "What do you say Darren, should we visit home too?" Darrick asked. " I agree Darrick, we should visit home. It's been a while." Darren agreed. Dray shot them a look. "You know what? I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. I'm going to pretend you're both not in my room right now and I'm going to keep packing my bag to leave and go see my boyfriend.... In like an hour. " Dray said ignoring his brothers.

An hour later when Dray was about to get in his car the twins popped out again. "Hello brother! Where do you think you're going... Without us?" Darren asked. "And before you start refusing look at this." Darrick said showing Dray his phone. Their mom was on the screen. "You didn't!" Dray said looking at them both. "Oh we did!" They said in unison. "Drayson, your brothers told me you're coming home for a visit today. That's great! You can all three come home, it's been a while since the whole family was together." Their mother said. 'oh you got to be fucking kidding me!' "ok mom! I - we'll take my car... Haha!" Dray force a smiled on his face. "This going to be great! YAY!" She said on the phone. " YAY!" They twins said. " .... yaaay!" Dray said sarcastically.


"You seem to be in a good mood today Gumball!" Some random kid Gumball picked to be his assistant mentioned as he walked up to Gumball. "I'm always in a good mood." Gumball smiled. " Everyone in this club that sees you everyday after school would beg to differ." The kid said. " Well I'm not always in a bad mood, people keep pushing my buttons. Plus, today is a good day." Gumball said all cheery. " What's the reason?" The kid was curious. " Well, the reason is..." Gumball was cut off by his phone ringing. " Yeees?..." He answered. " I'm outside". The words were said suddenly. " What do you mean you're outside?" Gumball asked the person on the phone. " I mean... I'm in front of your school, come out!" Dray said. " What!? Why didn't you say anything earlier?! I'm still in my gym clothes." Gumball said packing his backpack. " It's fine just come outside, I'm begging you..." Dray pleaded. "Whoa! What's up with you? You sound irritated." Gumball mentions noticing dray sounds impatient. " Some annoying things are bugging me. They won't leave me be!" Dray sighed. " Ok, I'm on my way!" Gumball hung up and ran through the halls till he went through the school's front doors.

He burst out the doors and ran all the way to the front. He saw Dray standing next to his car waiting. When Dray saw Gumball running up to him he started seeing flowers. Yes flowers. He held his chest as his heart pounded from excitement. He hasn't seen Gumball in so long, he swore Gumball looked like a jewel. All shiny and beautiful. He opened his arms ready to give Gumball a hug for the first time. Gumball was just inches away, just a little more and they'll finally touch.... " Ooooh My God! He was serious!" Drays fantasy and moment were ruined by Darren speaking! "I thought you were joking when you said you were dating thee Gumball Watterson!" Darren stuck his head out of the car window. " Are you for real?" Darrick also popped his head out.

"Who the hell are they?" Gumball asked in confusion. Dray just hugged him. " Ignore them!" Gumball hugged dray back, making sure to squeeze hard enough to feel satisfied. He looked up at Dray and choked on a laugh. " Oh wow you really do look like you're homeless. What is going on with your hair!?" Gumball made fun feeling Drays fluffy hair. " I'm going to pretend you said 'oh wow Dray... You look even more handsome than the last time I saw you!' " dray said in a high pitched voice. He looked down at Gumball. " Wait! Isn't this .... How'd you....?" Dray trailed off as he noticed the hoodie Gumball was wearing. " Isn't this my hoodie? I've been looking for this for a whole month when I got to college!" Dray said. Gumball just squinted his eyes like he doesn't know what Dray was talking about. " Oh it is? I didn't notice. I found it tugged under my pillow one morning!" ' that's because you're the one who tugged it under there...' dray thought.

" No seriously, Drayson you're actually dating this kid?!" Darren cut in again. " Who are these two?" Gumball asked. Dray grunted and sighed. " Gumball, these are my twin older brothers Darren and Darrick. It's been a while since they left Elmore." Gumball noticed the resemblance and remembered them a little. " When we were younger, that kid threw a slime ball at me... And that slime ball had a rock in it" Darrick said. Gumball looked to the side " I don't know what you're talking about, I've never seen you in my entire life." He lied. " Mmm.... That was definitely you! They were coming to pick me up from elementary school and you were there too...." Dray said remembering. He turned to Darrick and smirked. " ... And you cried like a baby!" Dray said. "Shut up!" Darrick mumbled.

"Anyway..." Dray went back to being in the moment with Gumball. " ... I'm back now, miss me?" He asked leaning in to kiss Gumball. " I don't know... Maybe?" Gumball smirked ready to kiss Dray. They were inches away from each other then... " Ew! Get a room!" The twins said in unison with their heads sticking out of the windows. " That's it! You two..." Dray turned around with a pissed smiled. " I want to show you something, can you please step out of the car for a sec?" He tried to speak in a gentle tone. The twins came out of the car curious of what Dray was trying to show them. " Walk to the doors of the building and don't turn around till I tell you to." Dray said sweetly. The twins shrugged and went to the doors. They looked at them waiting for Dray to say something. " Gumball get in the car." Dray mumbles to Gumball. Gumball went and sat in the car.

" Ok! You ready?" Dray asked getting in the car. " Yeah!" The twins said. Next thing they hear a car driving off. When they looked around they saw Drayson driving away. " Hey you can't leave us here!" Darren yelled. " How are we supposed to get home?" Darrick yelled also. Gumball popped his head out the window and looked at the two. " There's this thing called a bus! Not sure if you've heard of it?!" Gumball yelled sarcastically. The car drove even further away. " This is not cool little brother!!!!!!!" The twins yelled.

* Author's Note *

I remember Hotdog Guy saying in one episode that he was born attached to his two other brothers, unless I'm wrong, but I chose to make Dray the last born of the family in stead of making them triplets. so in other words he has an older brother who's a cop and two twin older brothers.

FYI: I wrote the second half of this high on caffeine. If there's a sudden mood change or anything weird from there, just know that's the reason!

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