Chapter 2

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Hours pass and the two continue to rest in the nurses office. A little while later the taller boy slowly got up first. He looked around and noticed that gumball was still there. Hotdog Guy sat up in his bed and finished his glass of water, he looked at the person on the other bed.

*I wonder why I always get in weird situations with this guy? It's really strange. How did we get awkward again?* HDG thought to himself as he looked at the sleeping gumball. * When I think about it, I don't really remember. We did grow up around each other that's for sure with our parents being friends and all but we were just kids, we barely knew what we were doing. We were in the same kindergarten together right? Wait!* He suddenly remembered something making him analyze the boy more. * when he was a kid he use to have cat ears and a tail too.... Does his still have them? He looks like a normal human human right now though, maybe they fell off or something. That would be a shame, when he had them out as a kid all the time it was cu..... Jeez no! This is gumball I'm taking about. Hmmm! I wonder why I'm thinking about all this.* He scratched his chin lightly as he thought more about this. Why was he suddenly so interested in figuring out why the both get so awkward around each other. They've never had a proper conversation together before and that made HDG curious.

Gumball flipped over and Faced hotdog guy's direction. HDG noticed something, through a slight opened mouth he could see that gumball has longer canines then normal people. His nails were long too. * Does he walk around with those kind of nail. Wouldn't he hurt someone? But I guess he is still a cat, now I see that.* But suddenly gumball began to wake up.As he woke up he noticed that he was being watched and gave HDG a weird look. " What is it?" He stretched as he sat up on his bed. " Weren't you supposed to sleep for an hour and a half?" HDG said as he opened his phone and started tapping on it. Gumball didn't pay attention to him " yeah so?" He said asking the boy. " It's been almost 4 hours and you're still in here." He put his phone back in his pocket and turned to gumball who definitely was still half asleep to register what he heard. He turned to hotdog guy and gave him a confused look. "Huh?" He asked . " It's almost lunch and you just woke up!" HDG said slowly like he was talking to a child.

It finally sets in his head what HDG had just said. He looked at the door to the office trying to decide if whether he should run to class or not. " You know what, missing two morning classes for once isn't going to be the end of the world." He chose the latter. "You missed classes just to take a cat nap in the nurses office?" HDG asked as he chuckled a little. " I have my own reasons ok! And you? Why are you here?" Gumball asked as he turned to face the other. " I had a bad headache. Not everyone in the nurses office is here to skip class gumball."

There was a small silence till Gumball spoke up " Hmm... This is the first time we talked without it being awkward and we did it voluntarily without us being stuck in a weird situation and being forced to talk." Saying that gumball heard a snort of laughter. " Haha! You're right... Jeez you just made me remember that time we were stuck in the elevator together!" HDG said with a soft laugh. "Ahg! Dude don't remind me!" Gumball facepalmed. "well don't stop talking, I want to see where this goes!" Leaning back again the wall at the head of the bed, hotdog guy smirked at Gumball.

"Um ok! Well I do have a question though, why did your parents name you Hotdog Guy? Do you have another name maybe?" He asked genuinely interested. But what he got was silence and w weird look. "What?" That was all HDG was about to say. " You know... Like how people call me gumball and all but it's not really my real name. My real name is Zack Watterson." Gumball waited for an answer. "Yeah I know your real name is Zack, we grew up together dude ... Somehow! Wait! All these years you thought hotdog guy was my real name?" Gumball just stared" uh...". Hotdog Guy sighed. "Gumball.... You're the only person in this school, probably all of Elmore, who calls me hotdog guy. You started calling me that ever since you found out that my family has hotdog stores."

"Ah... Hahahah! I was joking! Of course I know your real name. It'ssss..... Uuuh!" Gumball tried to cover for himself. But HDG raised his finger and shushed him. He slid off the the bed and walked out of the office. "Wait come on man!! Just tell me!" Gumball chased after him.

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