Chapter 4

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The school day went on with nothing interesting happening except for Gumball getting irritated again. It was peaceful in the nurses office when he was asleep but now he's in class with his irritating classmates. He tried his best to survive the whole day till he had to go back home, fortunately he did.

He was waiting in front of the school with Anais and Darwin waiting for the bus. All of a sudden Tobias jumps Gumball from behind. He's one of the reasons why Gumball is so irritated. Tobias just won't leave Gumball alone and he won't shut up. "What do you want Tobias? I've been trying to get rid of you all day! 'in more ways than one ' " Gumball glared at the rainbow colored boy clinging to him. Darwin and Anais backed up as they watched the scene unfold in front of them.

"I bet he's going to snap this time" Anais said as she looked up from her book. " He's been holding it in so far can't he just try and make it home" Darwin said being hopeful. "Listen dude, I've noticed that you're so ... On edge today. How about you come and hang with me at my place, get all of that negative energy out of your system y'know!" Tobias wiggled his eyebrows at Gumball as he had both of his hands on gumball's shoulders. Gumball took a deep breath and calmed down " Aww! You're so perceptive... Too bad you didn't see this coming!" Saying that Gumball threw a fast jab at Tobias's throat making him cough uncontrollably. "Wow ! The throat? Didn't see that one coming " Anais said as she was expecting his brother to kick the other in the shin. " Di - did you just.... Punch me in... In the throat??!" Tobias gagged as he tried to speak. He held his throat and tried to breathe.

"Did he just punch him in the throat...?" One of the two people who just saw what happened said. " ... Like seriously, straight in the throat." Clare continued to say as she tugged on Dray's hoodie. " Uuuhh... H - hey gumball" Dray called out making Gumball turn to face him. "Wanna join me and Clare ? We're going to blow off some steam... Away from here!" He said while pushing his shades back feeling awkward about what he just asked. Gumball looked at him like he was crazy. "What?" Gumball asked. "Yeah, WHAT?!" Clare also asked. "You look like you need to relax so, do you want to?" Dray said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Uh? Are you sure?" Gumball asked.

They both looked at Clare and Clare looked at them. She didn't want to even ask why Dray was inviting Gumball alone so she just gave up. " Ah fine!!" She marched off to her car with the two following. " I gotta call my mom first though, this is kinda sudden." When they got to Clare's car, Clare pulled Dray aside. " Dude! When did you and Gumball get... 'close' ?" She asked. "We aren't that close Clare, I'm just curious about something... That's all." Dray said as he shrugged it off. They turned to see Gumball making the call. "Hey mom I'm going to be late today....... No it's just Hotdog Guy..... Yeah yeah Drayson....... I don't know how late but I'll call if I'll be too late.... Ok bye" with that he hung up the phone and turned to the two who were looking at him. "ok we can go. Can't believe you invited me to hangout with you and your girlfriend." Clare was shocked." Excuse me!? No!...... No! No! No!......... NOOO! I am nobody's girlfriend! Now get in the car." They all got in Clare's car and went off.

It was pretty relaxing in the car ride to who knows where. They were playing music while Clare and Dray were talking to each other. The soft rumbling of the car engine, the music and for some odd reason Dray's voice, were all really relaxing Gumball as he sat in the back seat with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes and saw that the sun was setting. He shifted his gaze to the front of the car and looked at the two other people as they talked. During their conversation Dray laughed, it was a soft and deep chuckle. Gumball looked at him through the rear mirror, he wore his shades on his head showing his light eyes. As Gumball stared at him through the mirror he didn't expect Dray to suddenly look up at the mirror, looking back at him. Gumball flinched and looked away 'what the heck was that?'

They drove up a hill and when they got to the top they saw some dim lights shining in different colors as a small crowd of people danced to music. Some sat down enjoying each others company while some enjoyed the setting sun. It looked like a chill vibe. They parked the car and went to the group. "What is this place?" Gumball asked looking around. "This is where people who don't like intense partying come or those who just need to chill and relax. On Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays." Clare said. " Isn't it great" Gumball had to admit, it was really nice there. He sat down next to Dray. He didn't exactly know what to do, he just fidgeted in place and Dray noticed.

" You don't like it?" Dray asked. " I like it, I wish I knew about this place when I had one of my bad days." Gumball said as he looked at the sunset. Dray chuckled " you do seem to be in one heck of a bad mood today. " Gumball also laughed. Dray looked at him as he did, it must be a feline thing because gumball's eyes were sparkling, reflecting the sunset. He couldn't look away. Dray didn't know why but he's been getting very curious about Gumball recently. Gumball's aggressive and wild personality grew on him somehow. The way he'd pout when he's mad, the way his pupils would dilate sometimes and when he comes up with his schemes, it was creepy but Dray found it cute, cute?... Yeah, cute.

"Hey, hey Hotdog Guy! Why are you just staring?" Gumball snapped Dray out of his thoughts. " Did you just call me by that nickname again? " He asked confused. "Well it's different now, I no longer consider it your birth name I consider it you nickname now so nothing has changed!" Gumball smirked showing his sharp canines. Dray smirked back and flicked gumball's forehead. " I'll get you a drink." He got up and left .

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