chapter 3

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Gumball slammed his tray of food on the table in the cafeteria. He still couldn't believe that he'd been calling that guy by a nickname all these years. He looked at Darwin who was sitting across from him and then it hit him, does Darwin know hotdog guy's real name?

"Darwin!! You know hotdog guy right?" He asked Darwin with hopeful eyes. "Yeah? What about him?" Darwin asked. Gumball then noticed HDG enter the cafeteria with this girl he keeps hanging out with. Gumball also doesn't know her name. " Do you know his real name? The legal one?" He shifted his focus back to Darwin hoping that he knows his name. "No.... I've never even called out the nickname you gave Him... Ever. Did you just realize that you've been calling him by your Weird nickname for years now? Come on gumball, be serious." Darwin said as he ate his food. Gumball ruffled his own hair in frustration " Agh! This is so ... So...." Gumball trailed off. Why was he thinking so hard about this, why's it important for him to know that guy's name. It shouldn't be right? Gumball knows a lot of people and most of them he doesn't call them by their names. He just gives them a temporary nickname to call them.

He sighed as he leaned into his hand. He looked back in the direction where he saw Hotdog Guy was sitting and noticed that he was staring at him, he thinks he was at least. It was hard to tell what he was looking at with those shades on. Gumball just thought maybe he was looking at something else and not him. As he continued to think about the name, HDG moved and copied Gumball's action. He leaned into his hand and stared back at Gumball and Gumball flinched. ' he's watching me?' Gumball realized. His shocked face made Hotdog Guy smirk, he turned to his friends and continued to listen to their conversation.

"Ok that's it! It's annoying thinking about this so I'm just going to ask him!" Saying that Gumball got up abruptly and marched to his table. Even though the table was full of seniors and HDG was a senior too, Gumball plopped his butt down on a chair next to HDG. You'd think a person would be respectful to their senior schoolmates but they were just a grade above Gumball so he didn't think it was necessary and he didn't care. " You better not even try to walk off this time!" Gumball said staring at Him in the eyes.

"What is the crazy kid doing here?" One of them on the table asked, everyone was also curious. " Why is it that you keep interacting with this guy? He's like... The most troublesome person in this school.... 'Plus he's crazy and has anger issues nowadays' " the girl said to HDG and whispered the last part. "Honestly even I don't know " he said as he sighed. He definitely knows all this about Gumball, he didn't want to know but he knew and it's because they always have SITUATIONS together that they know a lot about each other. Yeah he has anger issues now but HDG just thought it was his personality developing, Gumball is more like his mother now. A little crazy and aggressive.

"What do you want now?" HDG asked as he looked at the boy next to him. " Tell . Me . Your . Name! Is it so hard to just open your mouth and speak? " Gumball grabbed HDG by the collar of his hoodie and pulled he down to his level. " I don't really care about people's names, normally I would just brush it off but you! You tell me that I've been calling you by a nickname all this time. I would try to brush it off but for some unknown reason we keep getting in weird situations together and when I try to avoid fails. TELL ME!" Gumball demanded. There was a short silence, hotdog guy just stared at the blue haired boy in front of him. Gumball pulled him a bit too close that he can see a lot of details on his face. ' I never noticed before but he has long eyelashes' he smirks confusing Gumball. He took gumball's hands and removed them from his hoodie. "I'll tell you.... If you get me my extra painkillers in the nurses office, I forgot them." Gumball made a confused and cringing face. "You think I'm that desperate to know your name that I'd do errands for you?" Hotdog Guy turned back to his food and smiled. "Yeah you're right, your aren't that desperate." He said as he continues to eat whatever is on his tray.

"Argh!" Gumball stood up. " I'm only doing this cuz it's bugging me!" Saying that he stomped out of the cafeteria. HDG looked at him as he walked away, he couldn't help but laugh a little.

Lunch break was over, the students went to their separate classes. Gumball was heading to the cafeteria again to hand over the painkillers to HDG. When he got there only a couple of people were still around but it was basically empty. Gumball walked over to the table that HDG was at, now empty since everyone left him there alone.

"There, painkillers!" Gumball sat down on the opposite side of the table from HDG. Hotdog Guy took them and plopped the painkillers in his mouth and drank them with his left over drink. "What's wrong with you?" Gumball asked as he looked at the other person as he rubbed the sides of his head. " I'm having a lot of bad headaches today... It was better after I woke up from the nurses office but I guess coming to the cafeteria was a bad idea." He took off his shades and put them on the table. He had closed his eyes shut trying to bare the ache then after awhile he slowly opened his eyes.

Gumball sat there watching, saying nothing. He just waited for HDG to finish what he was doing. When he opened his eyes gumball saw how light Hotdog Guy's eyes were, lighter than the lightest hazel he's ever seen. "So are you going to tell me or what?" Gumball asked. The cafeteria was empty now, the only ones left were the two of them. "you know, you make it sound like you're going to start calling me out whenever you see me" gumball only leaned in closer, ready to hear what he wants to hear at that moment.

HDG sighed " fine. You did what I asked so I guess I might as well tell you.... Dray Harret." He said as he leaned back in his chair. Gumball's eyes widened " Dray? Dray..." He said as he started thinking. "Oh my god! Drayson! That's your name? That name lingered in the back of my head but I didn't know who it was. " He slammed his fist in his hand as he realized. "You forgot even though you heard it a lot when we were kids... Tsk tsk tsk Gumball." Dray stood up and grabbed his stuff. " I'll see you around... Zach." He left.

* Author's note *

More pictures coming up next, YAY!!

See you soon.

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