Chapter 12

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It was nine at night, Darwin was with Anais on the couch. " where's Gumball? It's so late." Nicole asked as she stood in the kitchen trying to block her husband from getting into the fridge. Darwin shrugged but then they heard a car from outside. Anais stood up and walked up to the window and peeked behind the curtain. "What is it?" Darwin asked curious of who it was. "I think it's Gumball." Anais said not moving from the window. Darwin decided to go join her and take a peek.

Outside in front of the Watterson's house, Dray had just parked the car. The two ended up staying a bit longer than expected at the hotdog store which led to them being used as waiters. But they were eventually let go because it was late and Dray's mother was starting to worry about Gumball. She let Dray borrow her car so that he could drive Gumball home. Gumball got out of the car and Dray followed. "Thanks for the ri........... Why are you following me?" Gumball asked when he saw Dray follow him to the front door. Dray only shrugged. "I'm walking you to your door." Gumball just looked at him. He turned around and started pushing Dray to his car. " stop being weird and go to your car. I don't need someone to walk me to my door!" Dray resisted being pushed. "I'm just being nice, what? You don't want me to be nice?" He turned around and hugged Gumball. Gumball tried to wiggle out of Dray's hold. "I don't need you to be nice".Meanwhile at the window, Darwin and Anais were watching the two push each other around. "What the heck are they doing in front of the yard, in the middle of the night? I swear, this is the kind of things that always make Mr. Robertson give us the stink eye." She explains as they both watched their sibling. Darwin on the other hand was sweating bullets. He was praying so hard that those two wouldn't do anything.

"Dude seriously I'm exhausted from waiting tables at your parents' store, leave me be or I promise you, you fool, that I'll fall asleep like this and you can't leave me out here!" Gumball said as he was slowly just giving up on moving or standing. "Fine then I'll leave..." Dray said. "Thank you " Gumball sighed. "... If, you give me kiss!" Dray said while he still didn't let go of Gumball. "What? In front of my house? Don't be dumb!" Gumball tried to resist but soon was kissed on the cheek, very aggressively, without warning. " bye Gumball ". Dray drove off into the night and Gumball went inside. As he got inside the house he noticed Darwin and Anais looking at him standing next to the window. "You were peeking, weren't you?" Gumball asked already knowing the answer. "Yes and I knew it!" Anais said turning to Darwin with an evil smile. " pay up!" she waved her hand in front of Darwin and Darwin looked dejected. "What is going on? Did you guys bet about me?" Gumball closed the door behind him. "All you need to know is that I just lost a whole lot of money. I'm probably gonna start asking you for money from now on!" Gumball was confused.

He turned to head to the kitchen to drink some water but stopped as soon as he turned. Nicole was holding her phone, she had just gotten off a call. Gumball looked at the phone and then his mom. Nicole smiled. "You know I know!" She said but Gumball was just confused, or was he? He was just pretending to be confused so that he won't have to explain himself. "I don't know what you're talking about" he walked to the kitchen. "Gumball, sweetie! Why didn't you tell me? I'm your mother, did you think I wouldn't support you?" Nicole said as she followed her son into the kitchen. ' why's everyone following me tonight?' Gumball thought. "Mom it's not a big deal." Nicole gasped in realization. " is this one of those romance movie tropes where the two enemies turn to lovers?" Nicole says while covering her mouth. " This is getting weird!". Gumball grumbled as he started to drink his glass of water. " It all makes sense now, how you haven't been hating on Drayson more often plus you've been spending time with him too." She started to giggle. " I can't believe you two were caught making out in the store's staff room. Oh well, just make sure...... To use protection!" She whispered the last part but still got a big reaction out of gumball. He choked on the water and spilled some on himself. "MOM!!"

" what? Just because you can't have a child doesn't mean you shouldn't wear protection! I am saying this assuming......" Nicole looked Gumball up and down. ".... You're ... The bottom!?" She asked and Gumball turned red. " nope! Nope!!!! I'm moving out. I don't want to talk to you about this mom!! It's so WEIRD!!!" He covered his ears. " oh don't be dramatic Gumball, it's ok to take it. I mean come on look at yourself, you don't exactly fall under the handsome type, you're more on the cute side. Of course I love you no matter what you look like, you are after all my kitten!..." She inhaled. " ... But Drayson on the other hand, let's just say when he's standing next to you, you look more feminine than you actually are. " Gumball dramatically held his own chest. "Mother! You just crushed my manly confidence! I can literally wipe the floor with him!" Nicole sighed. " then does he take it?" She asked. " what? No of course not!" Gumball denied. " then that just leaves you taking it!" Nicole pressed. Gumball was basically scarlet right now, you could probably see the steam coming from his head. " I HAVEN'T YET!!" there was a silence. Gumball covered his mouth after realizing what he just said. " I - I - I .... We haven't gotten there yet! Leave me alone!" Gumball spoke so fast as he ran up the stairs to his bedroom.

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