Chapter 14

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The graduation day finally came , people graduated, someone didn't. And some didn't graduate and decided " fuck it! I'm not coming back here". The day went on with people celebrating, some crying their eyes out from relief that they're done with the stress of high school.

The sun was beginning to set as the senior class of 20xx began heading to their after party, without the parents and teachers this time. ~YAAAAWN~ Dray yawned as he came out the school building holding his phone in hand. He went straight for the school parking lot were Clare and Gumball were waiting for him. He looked at the phone's screen and said " I hope going to this party isn't going to end up being a bad idea . " he arrived at the lot and saw the two sitting in front of Clare's car. "You ready to leave? The party's going to be at a house near our neighborhood." Clare asked Dray ask he leaned against Gumball. " you know what, yeah. I guess it's fine to go to a party once on a while but if it gets too exhausting don't be surprised when I'm not there. Luckily the place isn't that far from my house." Dray looked at Gumball. "You want to come with?" Gumball was surprised.

"What? Come to you guys' graduation party? " he asked as he looked at both the recently graduated seniors in front of him. " yeah Gumball! I'm gonna miss spending time with you so come with us, you'll be our plus one." Clare tried to convince him. After a little while Gumball finally gave in and went with them to the party. With all the things that's been happening that day it was hard for Gumball to not dwell on his anxious feelings. He's been holding it together till now but actually seeing his boyfriend graduate made it hard to hide his emotions. All he hoped for was that nobody noticed. But Dray did notice. He clearly noticed that Gumball was getting clingy and less rowdy than usual.

When they got to the party everyone already looked like they were having fun and it was clear that there was booze. "Yup, I definitely need a drink" Dray said that and took Gumball's hand. He dragged him along into the house, squeezing past drunk teens and people dancing and shouting. The finally got to the table and Dray took a can and gulped down. Gumball just stood there and watched Dray drink the can of who knows what as if he was thirsty as hell. "You want one?" Dray asked but Gumball gave him a weird look. "Ok then here try it." Dray handed the can he drank from to Gumball. He hesitated but took it. When he took a sip he cringed and stuck out his tongue in disgust making Dray laugh. " you will start drinking this one day."

The party went on, Clare kept appearing and disappearing from Dray and Gumball. Dray made sure to stick to Gumball so he doesn't get lost in the crowd. Surprisingly, Gumball actually drank some punch. Of course it wasn't just juice in there, that would explain why he felt a little hot. Eventually Dray got tired of all the noise and people so he took Gumball with him to sit outside on the porch. There were people out there but just a few, you couldn't even hear what any of them were conversing about and the sound of the music inside the house was not that loud. Dray sat on one of the big wooden chairs on the porch and sighed. He was clearly drunk but still on the tipsy side. Gumball looked around for another chair but could find one. " I - I think I should go find a chair." He was about to turn and go look for one but he was dragged back by his hand. He fell back and sat on Drays lap, that surprised him. " you don't need one just sit here, there's plenty of room." Dray teased. Gumball did just that and got comfortable too but, he couldn't help but giggle at his own embarrassment.

"You only had one cup of punch and you look as if you're as tipsy as me right now, are you cool?" Dray asked while he looked at Gumball's flushed face. His cheeks and ears were a tint of red and he couldn't stop smiling. " I'm fine, stop looking at me too much!" Gumball put a hand on Drays face but Dray kissed the inside of his hand. Gumball giggled again. "Gumball..." Dray started. "... are you ok?" He asked as he held onto Gumball's waist so he won't fall off of him. "What do you mean?" Gumball asked. " you think I haven't noticed how you've been acting lately? Come on, tell me." He reached for Gumball's face and brushes away hair from his face. ' his hair is getting longer' Dray thought. He pinched Gumball's cheek. " tell me!". Gumball looked down at his hands for a little while before talking. " it's just... I've been feeling anxious lately that's all. The thought of you leaving, don't get me wrong, I am happy you finally graduated. I'm a bit envious at that but, I'm just scared you might dump me ... like how Penny did." Gumball explained, he felt the arms around him tighten slightly.

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