Chapter 5

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A month has passed since then and Dray seemed to hangout with Gumball any chance he got. Gumball found it weird in the beginning but he got use to it. It was better than all the awkward encounters they kept having, but still sometimes they do get awkward when they're alone. They didn't why and their friends were also confused by this sudden change, some more than others.

"Are you inviting Gumball again this weekend?" Clare asked sitting next to Dray in class. It was a little after lunch and everyone was in their classes. "I don't think so, he's been acting a little off lately so I assumed he must be dealing with some things." Dray explained while looking at his phone . "I still can't get use to you and him being.... ' close ' " Clare said. "Stop saying close like that!" Clare just waved it off and laughed. " Yeah yeah ... Speaking of Gumball, I saw him go to the nurse's office after lunch. You think he's skipping class?" She asked but didn't get a response. All she got was Dray looking at her then he put away his phone. "I'll... I'll be back" he left the class , fortunately there wasn't a teacher in class then.

Dray walked down the hall wondering why Gumball went to the nurse's office. On His way he saw Darwin, maybe he knew what was happening. ' Gumball is probably just ditching class again like last time ' . "Hey Darwin, um... You know why Gumball is in the nurse's office?" He asks. "Oh hey hotdog guy, sorry man I still don't know you. As for Gumball, it's a cat thing." Darwin said as he walked away to class leaving Dray there. " How many people call me Hotdog Guy? Ah whatever... What did he mean a cat thing?" He turned and walked towards the nurse's office.

When he got there the nurse wasn't in. ' does that nurse ever stay in the office?' Dray thought while looking around. No one was in there except there was a bed at the corner hidden behind a curtain. He walked up to it and pushed the curtain aside. Dray was shocked. There, laying on the bed was Gumball curled into a ball with his cat ears and tail out. He looked a little flushed with his cheeks with a tiny if pink. Instead of being worried that his friend is sick Drayson was panicking. ' This is a dangerous situation. He still has his cat ears and tail?! I thought they fell off, it would have been better if they did cuz right now.... Gumball looks so... Fucking Cute!! What am I supposed to do right now? ' Dray stood there as he had an internal panic. He walked up and sat on the edge of the bed. He bit his lip and tried not to something stupid.... But he did anyway.

He reached out his hand and softly touched Gumball's ears. They were so soft and fluffy. ' the heck am I doing? ' Dray continued to touch gumball, moving his hand to gumball's flushed cheek. Gumball started to wake up, he turned his head to lean into Dray's hand. ' ok this is not good, if this keeps going I'm going to have a panic attack. ' " Gumball wake up!" He pulled Gumball by his arms. Gumball limply got up and fell forward into Dray's chest. "Um.. Gumball?" Dray tried to move gumball away but he won't budge instead he got closer. " You smell nice" that was all gumball said before he started to take in more of Dray's scent. He gripped into Dray's shirt and buried his face in his neck.

Face in his neck, hands on his shirt and a tail rapping around his arm, dray was panicking. Gumball was too close. He moved his head from Dray's neck trailing his nose on Dray's cheek till they were facing each other. Gumball clearly wasn't awake and Dray noticed that. He tried to wake him up but before he could say a word gumball pushed him on to the bed putting himself on top of Dray. Burying his face back in Dray's chest Gumball fell right back to sleep. This whole situation just left Dray dumbfounded so in the end he gave up and just lied there.

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