Chapter 66- Cigarette

Start from the beginning

I look over and see Abraham drinking a bottle of burbon. I immedeatly reach my hand out for him to give me the bottle and he takes another swig before the warm bottle of brown liquid gets handed to me. 

I take a big drink of it and let the liquid tingle down my throat, my stomach warms and I take another drink. 

"Adrian." Alyssa says. 

"Yeah, yeah." I groan, waving her off and taking another drink. 

Abraham reaches his hand out and I take another gulp of the bourbon before handing it back to him. 

I can't hear Tara, Eugene, and Rosita's conversation though I know it's not good. I'm too busy chugging this damn bottle of bourbon. 

Suddenly, a bunch of sticks and leaves crack, symbolling more than one thing is heading our way. We all immediately sit up and four rabid and bloody dogs stand before us, growling and barking. 

"Aw fuck." I whisper, grabbing my whip and standing up. 

I look at Alyssa who's eyes are practically glued to the growling dogs. I can't read her face but I can tell she's not looking at them like she used to. 

"Adrian." Rick whispers, "Use your whip." 

I nod and anchingly slowly stand up, my knuckles white with how tight I'm gripping my whip. 

As I raise my whip to crack it on the dogs, silenced gunshots kill each of the dogs one by one. I look to the right and see Sasha standing with her sniper held in her hand. 

I quickly look to Alyssa who is just staring at the dogs, her eyes wide though her face is emotionless. 

Rick stands up and breaks a stick off of a tree behind him, breaking it into smaller sections and handing each of us a stick. 

Alyssa stares at the empty collars that are surrounded by nothing but the blood of the dogs'. She's holding her kebob of dog meat and staring at it. 

I walk over to her and sit next to her. "Kill or be killed. Those dogs were gonna-" 

"I know." She says quickly. "I know...I'm not...upset." She looks at me with her eyes wide and glossy. "Why am I not upset? I shouldn't want to eat this. I'm...I'm supposed to-" 

"You're not supposed to do shit, 'Lyss. Eat that or starve." How I said it was harsh but she knows deep down that that's the truth. 

"I'll eat it with you. You take a bite, I'll take a bite." Inejra says, sitting next to Alyssa. 

Alyssa nods, "Okay." She whispers. 

I nod and stand up, "You're a badass, Alyssa Walsh." I squeeze her shoulder as she takes a small nibble of the dog meat and walk away. 

A few hours later, we've been walking for a while. Finally with full stomachs though almost empty water bottles. 

I'm walking behind the group with Damien, both of us walking slowly and thirstily. 

Daryl veers off to the left, leaving the group. 

I raise an eyebrow and jog up to Abraham, "Where's he going?" 

"Find water." Abraham responds. 

I think for a moment before saying, "I'll go with him." I nod to Damien and he nods back as I follow silently behind Daryl. 

I don't want him to know I'm behind him just yet so I stay at a distance where I can see him but he can't see me.

My footsteps are slow, silent, and calculated, trying not to make any sticks or leaves crunch under my weight. 

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