Chapter Thirteen

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"Girl, you better spill everything!" Amelie said as I opened the door for her

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"Girl, you better spill everything!" Amelie said as I opened the door for her. I was so excited to tell her everything that happened on the weekend. She walked into my house and we sat in my living room.

"Nolan said I am his soulmate." I told her the moment she took her seat.

"What? OMG! That is so sweet of him." She told me happily.

"I know! We had a great time. We spent the night together and it was magical! The next day he introduced me to his friends and we spent the day on his yacht." I said.

"My girl made a celebrity boy go loco." She said jokingly and I could not stop smiling the whole time.

"Enough about me! How have you been? And how is Quincy? I hope you guys are doing okay."

"I am fine! Let's just say I have been head over heels about my boyfriend since the day I met him. And I am so happy. I have never been happy since Collins." I could hear the pain in her voice when she mentioned Collins.

Collins was Amelie's fiancé. They were engaged for one year until one night he got into a tragic accident and died on the spot. It was so hard for Amelie to cope with the fact that Collins was gone for good. It was so difficult for her to let go of him and move on. I am so happy to see after three years of grieving and pushing people away, now Amelie is dating and I can see her madly in love with this man.

"You know I am happy for you, right?" I asked her.

She looked at me with her eyes filled with tears and said, "I know, and I am so so happy for you Yvette."

I got up and went to give her a big tight hug. We cried for some time and she said, "We need to stop crying. I have an idea!"

I wiped my tears and looked at her, "What idea?"

"Let's go on a Spa Date! Everything is on me." She said.

"Are you sure it's the right thing to do right now?" I just wanted to be sure.

"Yes! It's the perfect idea!"

"Okay! Let us do it right now."

Few minutes later we changed our outfits and we were on our way to Serenity Springs. One of the most famous Spas in the City. Amelie's family owns it. We got there and the services were perfect! We had a Facial treatment (Energizing Gemstone Facial). Natural gemstones were infused into potent formulas that took our treatment to a higher level. Relaxed our minds and bodies as each unique sensation took over and powerful botanicals and actives uncovered balanced, energized, glowing skins.

After the facial treatment we decided to go shopping. On our way out, guess who we bumped into? Varvara.

"Can you watch where you are going!" Varvara barked at Amelie who pushed her to the side accidentally.

"I am so sorry. I did not see you coming on my way." Amelie said politely.

"Sorry? I do not think you are sorry. You know... a little bird told me about Nolan and your little friend over here." She gave me this nasty look.

"Nolan is mine! You're just his little project. Once he is done with you, he will come back to me." She told me.

"That's not true! Nolan loves me. I can see it in his eyes." I told her.

"Well, he loves me more and you can't compete with me. I am his first love. So, you need to back off!" She pushed me, I almost fell.

Amelie pulled Varvara towards her angrily and yelled, "Don't you dare push my friend like that again!"

"Or what? You will go cry to your daddy? I don't care if your family is the richest in this City. I am not afraid of you." Varvara said.

"Try me one last time and find out for yourself!" Amelie shouted at Varvara. This time it was so loud until everyone's attention at the Spa turned on us. People started recording us on their phones. I pulled Amelie out of the Spa and we waited for our car.

"Thanks for sticking up for me." I told her after our car arrived and we got in.

"I hate her so much! How can someone be so rude?" She complained.

"Do you think whatever she said was true?" I asked.

Amelie looked at me, then held my hand and squeezed it tightly. "No! She is a liar! She just wants to get into your head and mess with you. It is so clear that Nolan adores you! Varvara is jealous of you and she wants to ruin your happiness."

I don't know why I found myself crying.

"It's alright, don't cry." My friend tried to comfort me as she pulled me closer to her until my head rested on her shoulder.

Later on during the day we kept driving around the City and went shopping. We got really cute outfits and shoes. We went to an ice cream shop and got ourselves some ice creams then we went to the beach and watched the sunset together. It was such a great day. Although Varvara tried to ruin it, Amelie was there to save the day.

She drove me to my house and left.

Max was so happy to see me. I carried him and walked in the kitchen to get his food. As I was giving him food my phone suddenly rang. It was Nolan calling me.

"Hello." I said politely as I picked up my phone.

"Hello, Curly. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I am good." I tried to sound okay but deep down I was not okay.

"You don't sound okay. Please talk to me. Tell me what is wrong?" He begged.

"Don't worry about me. I am gonna be fine." I told him.

There was silence.

"Well, okay. I hear someone knocking on your door. Please can you get the door." He told me.

"Someone on my—

I walked to the door and opened it. Nolan was standing there looking so good in his white outfit with a beautiful bouquet of roses.

"Nolan!" I was shocked to see him.


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