Chapter Eight

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On Monday my alarm woke me up but I snoozed it

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On Monday my alarm woke me up but I snoozed it. I felt warmth on my neck and someone pulled me close to them. Who might this be? I opened my eyes and a man was in my bed. Not just an ordinary man but Nolan Beckham. I tried to get up but he kept pulling me closer to him.

"Nolan, I have to go to school."

"Hmm...just five more minutes."

"I am gonna be late."

He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me. " Alright Curly, let's get you to school."

I didn't know if someone could wake up looking so handsome like Nolan Beckham. I just wanted to stare at him the whole day. God! He was so handsome!

I got up and prepared myself for school. I was so scared of people seeing Nolan with me. Suddenly there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Curly, are you alright?" Nolan asked.

"I...I am good."

I finished a quick shower and got out of the bathroom. He was standing there waiting for me shirtless. I remembered about last night and what almost happened. He smiled at me and my legs became weak. He knew how to mess with my brain.

My heart raced as he got so close to me. God! I hope he doesn't kiss me. Because I would not resist him. He winked at me and went to the bathroom. I had a feeling that today was going to be the best day. First, I woke up next to Nolan. Second, he will be driving me to school and lastly, he kissed me! Nolan Beckham kissed me.

Few minutes later he finished showering and I was dressed up. Thank God I had carried an extra outfit.

"Beautiful dress." I heard him say behind me.

Red colour rose on my cheeks. He wore a white T-shirt and some ripped jeans. Damn he looked handsome! I kept staring at him like an angry lion who saw its prey.

We left the room and went downstairs. Everyone kept looking at us as we got down the stairs. I was so sure everyone thought I slept with him. If only they knew. Varvara gave me this weird stare and whispered to her friend "Finally the social climber got what she has always wanted." Then they all laughed sarcastically.

I was about to jump on her and slap her but Nolan held my hand to stop me. She was so lucky. I couldn't stand someone speaking ill of me.

"Sir, breakfast is ready." A lady in a white uniform said to Nolan. He gave her a nod and led me to the table that was set close to the beach. The table was filled with all the types of food you would have for breakfast.

"Wow! This is a lot of food for two." I said.

He smiled at me and said, "You can eat whatever you want mama."

Mama? Did I hear that correctly? We have moved from Curly to Mama. I love where this is going. We kept eating our breakfast in silence. "Are you alright?" He asked me.

"Yes! I am really enjoying this breakfast." I said shyly.

"Good! Um...Curly, Varvara can really be mean sometimes. Please don't mind her."

I took a long sigh. "It's alright."

Few minutes later we finished our breakfast and Nolan drove me to school. It was a 30 minutes drive. I was so happy and scared at the same time. We arrived at my school and I begged him to drop me at the main entrance but he insisted on taking me to my first class.

In the hallway girls came screaming and taking photos of Nolan, asking him to take photos together. It was such an awkward moment for me. He just waved at them and held my hand then asked me where my class was. He walked me to my class and my professor was surprised to see me with him.

"Miss Zaire, I didn't know you were bringing a celebrity to our class."

I looked down and blushed.

"I am so sorry Mr. Professor, I was just bringing my girlfriend to  class." Nolan said.

The whole class said, "Awww...."

And I felt like fainting.

I could not concentrate in my Pharmacology class. Nolan's words kept ringing in my head. I was just bringing my girlfriend to class. When did I become his girlfriend?

"Miss Zaire, What did we discuss on signal transduction mechanism?"


"Miss Zaire."


"I asked you a question Miss Zaire!"

I got back to earth from my daydreaming land. "Um...sorry, can you repeat the question?'

My professor gave me this pity look then said, " Miss Zaire, I want you to take my class seriously. If you can't concentrate, I suggest you drop this class and take it next year. I will not tolerate failure this year." Then he dismissed the class.

The rest of the day I tried to focus on my other classes. Nursing was not easy for me but I just loved it. I loved making other people feel better health wise. Practicing nursing was therapeutic for me. I was not able to save my mother when she got so ill because I was still a child. I promised myself I will study nursing so I can help save other people's lives. I had to focus on my classes so I could pass.

It was time to go back home. I called Amelie and thank God she was around my school. She came and picked me up.

"Hey girl."

"Hey Amelie, how have you been?"

"I have been good, my friend. Please tell me everything that happened over the weekend."

I blushed.

"Well, me and Nolan kissed and he drove me to school today."

"Awwwww....That is so sweeeeet. I am so happy for you." She pulled me into a tight hug.

"How about you? How was your date?"

" Quincy is such a great guy! I had so much fun!"

"I am happy for you sweetie."

My phone chimed and a notification popped on my screen with a headline NOLAN & THE WANNABE SOCIAL CLIMBER. I clicked on the notification, it opened and I saw pictures of me and Nolan when he took me to school.

My heart sank.



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