Chapter Six

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"Are you alright?" Nolan asked me with so much concern in his voice

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Are you alright?" Nolan asked me with so much concern in his voice.

"I am fine." I told him but he seemed not satisfied with my answer.

"What is wrong with you?" He barked at Jonathan.

"I am so sorry man. I don't know what got into me." He said politely.

"You know what? Get out of my house!" Nolan yelled. I have never seen him that angry.

"I am so—

"I said get out of my house Jonathan!"

"Nolan man, I am sorry." He begged him.

"Leave before I call the guards."

Jonathan went and took his bag then left the beach house. I felt bad for him but he somehow deserved it.

"Are you sure you are alright? He didn't hurt you?" Nolan asked me again.

"Yeah. I am alright. Thank you for standing up for me." I thanked him politely.

"I am so sorry about him." He told me.

"It's okay."

"And I am sorry about Varvara."

"It's alright Nolan." It was the first time I called his name and I liked how it sounded in my ears.

He looked at me and grinned. "Where do you think you are going?" He asked after seeing me with my bag.

"Um, home."

"No way miss! We still have a bonfire party."

I smiled widely at him as he took away my bag. "You are still stuck with me for a couple of hours." He whispered to me as he left to go put my bag in one of the rooms.

Few minutes later he came back with two bottles of mineral water. It was really hot and I wanted some water. He gave me one and led me to the beach. He introduced me to his other friends. Some of them looked at me like I was an outcast. Anyways I chose to have fun and enjoy the time of my life. So, I did not give a damn about anyone.

Later in the evening there was a lot of food and BBQ outside the house. Then there was a bonfire. I didn't know people could party like that. They kept on drinking and playing a lot of games nonstop.

I kinda of felt tired and I really wanted to leave. I walked to the balcony and sat on a small couch watching people drinking and having fun. Nolan was so happy. I think he really enjoyed spending time with his friends. Suddenly he looked at me and our eyes met, he smiled then walked up to me.

"Hey there." He greeted me.


"Are you alright? Why are you seated here alone?" He asked.

"Um...I am just tired." I told him frankly.

"Do you want to get away from here?" He asked.


He held my hand and led me inside the house. I thought we were leaving the beach house but we never left instead he took me to his room. I was in Nolan Beckham's room! The room was well organized. I didn't take Nolan to be an organized person. I was really surprised. Everything was well arranged from books to shoes and clothes. He made me sit on his bed. Beside the bed there was a small desk and on top there was a small notebook. He went and took the notebook then opened it.

"Uh...I was working on a new song and I tried to write something. Can I sing it for you?"

He was asking to sing for me?

"Yes! You can sing." I told him passionately.

He took his guitar and started playing it then he started singing. His voice! God he had a beautiful voice!

I've found a way to make you smile
Picnic under the stars
You think I'd leave you down when you're down
On your knees

Forever because we are meant for each other baby
Don't tell me it's not worthy tryin' for
Your kindness
I don't know how you do what you do

All the time we spend together is my favorite
Say you love me every waking moment
Your eyes and your beautiful smile
Unbelievable sights

"Oh my God! That is really a beautiful song!" I told him when he finished singing.

"Really? You think it's beautiful? Well, I am not done with it." He said nervously.

Did I make Nolan Beckham nervous?

"Uh-Uh! It's a beautiful song,  Nolan. What's the song called?"

"Um...I think Forever. Forever is the name of the song." He looked in my eyes and I wanted to jump on him and kiss him senselessly.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me.

"Y—Yeah. Everything is okay." I whispered.

Oddly he moved closer to me and cupped my face in his hands. My heart was throbbing. I wanted to run away but then he did the most unexpected thing. He kissed me! It was a small kiss but it was how his lips brushed mine and how it brought shivers down my spine. He stopped the kiss and looked at me.

"Curly I am so–

Before he finished his sentence I pulled him into a passionate kiss. Nolan and I kissed for the better part of probably two hours. I never thought kissing could be like that. In fact, all of what happened for those two hours was something I never expected would happen. I'd never been so conscious of it, before. So aware of everything I was feeling, so resolute about what I wanted to feel, and so amazed at how good Nolan could feel.

I knew he was trouble but I just couldn't resist him.



ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
My Celebrity Booजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें