Chapter Four

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Amelie dropped me at my house and I couldn't sleep

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Amelie dropped me at my house and I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about Nolan, his touch and the way he looked at me. Why did she ruin our moment? I glanced at my phone and it was past midnight. I closed my eyes and remembered his smile, the tinkle in his eyes when he told me about his tattoos. Oh goodness! He was the most beautiful human my eyes have ever seen. I took a long sigh and thought of us at the club. I don't know what would have happened if we kissed.

Then I remembered how Nolan caressed me, how his touch burnt my skin and left me with a zing. I imagined his face closer to mine as I felt his hot breath on my skin. How his eyes looked at me as if he could see my soul. I heard him whisper "Curly" in my ear and my core felt drenched. I pushed away all those thoughts and tried to sleep but I kept tossing and tossing until sleep took me.

The next day I got up and was preparing myself to go meet the Dean of nursing school. I had scheduled a meeting with him. As I ate my breakfast I turned on the TV and saw Varvara. She had a press conference.

"Me and Nolan have our differences. Yes, we fight but it's the strongest love between us that keeps us together. Last night was a mistake. I shouldn't have reacted like  I did. We've talked about it and we are good. We will always be the best couple no matter what! And nobody will come between us." She said with her thick Russian accent.

Omg! I will never be with Nolan. I got really displeased with whatever she said. I turned off the TV and called a cab to take me to University. After 20 minutes I arrived at the University and went to the nursing school. I found Miss Petra at the reception. She is the  kindest woman ever and I am sure she really liked me. When she saw me she gave me the warmest smile.

"Mr. Clifford will see you soon dear. He is having a short meeting." She told me.

"Thanks Miss Petra. I will just wait for him here." I said politely and took a seat at one of the sofas. I picked up a magazine from the table just to pass time as I waited for the Dean. On the first page I saw Nolan's face. I didn't care about anything else. My eyes glued on his perfect white teeth. He had the most joyous look. I found myself staring and smiling at him for a while until Miss Petra called my name.

"It's time. You can just go to his office." She instructed me. I walked to his office door and it was open. When he saw me he smiled widely. "Miss Zaire! Please come in."

I walked in and sat on a chair that was in front of his desk. "Miss Zaire, what brings you to my office?" He asked. I kind of stammered "I—I want to talk to you about something."

"I am all ears."

"Um, is it possible for me to carry over with my courses to next year?" I managed to ask so quickly until I couldn't hear my own question. He stared at me in incredulity.

"And why is that?"

"I can't manage this year. I am still not stable financially." I hated telling people what I am going through especially financially.

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