Chapter Nine

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"What is wrong sweetie?" Amelie asked me

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"What is wrong sweetie?" Amelie asked me. Tears blinded my eyes. I could not speak. All I did was give her my phone. She went through it and said, "Oh my God Yvette! This is so awful." Then pulled me into a tight hug.

I am not sure if dating Nolan would be easy.

"I am so sorry Yvette. I hate paparazzi with their fake news." She told me. I dried my tears and we walked to her car. I asked her to drop me at my house. I found Max sleeping on a sofa. When he saw me he meowed and I patted him on his back. "I know Max, I am sad too." I said.

Max is my two-year- old cat. I found him on the porch one night when I was coming from work. He was too small. He looked lost and hungry. I took him and fed him. The next day I asked my neighbours if they had lost a kitten but none said anything about him. So, I decided to keep him. Ever since that day we became inseparable. I love him with all of my heart. He listens to me when I am stressed, I usually talk to him and his response would always be "meow". When I am happy he celebrates with me.

I gave him his food and went to my room. I could not eat. I kept reading whatever that paparazzi wrote about me and I became more disappointed. How can someone write all those false things about someone they didn't know? The world can be so cruel. I remembered I had assignments. I wrote my assignments and read a chapter for tomorrow's lecture. Then I decided to take Max for a walk. It had been long since we took our walks.

People kept staring at me. I saw two ladies looking at me and whispering to each other. "Yes! I am the girl from the tabloids. The wannabe social climber!" I said to them, they felt so embarrassed. I am tired of people treating me like I was not a human. Saying awful things about me which none of them were true. First, my dad. He had always treated me like I was never his daughter and now the tabloids? I could not stand this.

I walked into Edgy Bake House, my favourite bakery and got myself a lemon cupcake  and I got Max a peanut butter cookie. It was his favourite. Then I went back home. Watched a TV show and later fixed a quick dinner.

As my attention was focused on my pasta I heard my phone ringing. Checking on the screen it was a new number. God! I hated new numbers! I picked the call.


"Hey Curly"


Did Nolan just call me?

I cleared my throat then said, "Hi Nolan."

"Curly, I am so sorry about whatever was written on that gossip page. I have talked to my social media manager and he is working on that."

I took a deep sigh.

"It's alright." That's all I said.

There was silence.

"What are you up to?" He asked. Nolan Beckham was now interested in my boring life.

"I am having dinner." Max jumped on my lap and meowed loudly.

"Is that a cat?" Nolan asked.


"I didn't take you to be a cat person."

I laughed.

"I am being serious." He said and I could hear a small laugh in his voice.

"Well, now you know I am a cat person."

"What's its name?"

"His name is Max and he is two years old."

"Max? Woah! Cool name." he said and I found myself smiling while patting Max's back.

There was silence for a while.

"Nolan, how did you get my number?" I asked.

"I had people who helped me get your number mama." He whispered to me and I felt wet suddenly. I smiled like a crazy person. Actually Nolan Beckham had the power to make me blush even when he was not around.

"I called you because I wanted to apologise for today and also ask you to go to dinner with me tomorrow night." He said.

Wait, wait, wait did I hear him correctly? Did he ask me to have dinner with him?

"Tomorrow night?" I asked like I did not hear.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow night? Are you busy? If you are busy then we can have a raincheck."'' He said.

" I am not busy and yes I will go to dinner with you."

"Thank you so much Curly! And I am so sorry for ruining your dinner by calling you. Oh God! I am so sorry." He kept saying sorry like a million times.

"It's alright Nolan." I said with a wide grin on my face. I enjoyed calling his name. I liked how it sounded in my ears.

"Okay Curly. Keep enjoying your dinner and say hi to Max for me. Good night!"

"Thank you! Say hi to Skippy too. Good night!"

"Well, I haven't been home for a long time but I will make sure Skippy gets the regards." He told me.

I smiled.

"Bye Nolan."

"Bye for now, Curly." Then he hung up.



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