Lapis: Go Rock Squad to Quad!

Start from the beginning

"He did suffer from malnutrition, so it makes sense." Sven hummed.

"I'll figure out Garret then. You guys focus on Clyde."


Clyde had a big smile as Luana helped him out, getting him food and helping him regain motion. He was able to heal up a lot faster with the help. He had to rely on a walker, but he was full of smiles from being able to move.

Garret scanned his brother as he managed to get across the room without needing help. A smile crossed his face as Sven sat down next to him. He then paused as Sven spoke.

"Your brother's doing better." Garret hummed as he shifted away from the male. Sven noticed before he spoke again. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm actually going to help you heal." Garret looked at him.

"I'm fine."

"Garret, you were assaulted in the worst way possible. I'm not going to leave you to fend for yourself. Let me help." Garret paused as he scanned the other male. "I know you don't trust us. And that's fine. But you and your siblings are hurting. You should not be." Garret finally smiled.



Wendy actually clashed with Tiffany while the other two were able to fully recover. Well, Clyde got as far as he could. Garret was able to break out of his shell and push the past away from him. While the two rested, Wendy clashed with their sister. Well, she says she clashed with her. But Tiffany was targeting someone else.

"BURN!" An elderly man put up a barrier and blocked the flames from hitting him and Billy, who looked out of it. Wendy stared in shock as the flames started to break through the shield.

"What the..."

"YOU BASTARD!" The shield shattered as the man yelped. Billy reacted by turning on his aura, which started pushing the flames back. Tiffany hissed as the flames started burning through the aura. Wendy stayed silent as she watched the destruction. Tiffany was able to push Billy? It was even worse when Tiffany's flames broke through the winds and nearly hit the two males. "HEY!" Billy blinked a little, almost as if he was regaining himself. The other man must've noticed cause he teleported them out of there. Tiffany hissed before dropping to her knees. Wendy pulled as much courage as she could to approach the female admin.

"Tiffany?" She didn't answer as her aura pulsed weakly, showing her weakness as she tried to get to her feet.

"Go... a-away..." Wendy caught her when she collapsed.


Wendy brought the female back to the Sanctum and alerted her brothers of what happened. Garret looked like he was going to have a stroke.

"She did what?"

"Garret, sit down."

Clyde kept a steady grip on Garret so that he didn't randomly evaporate into the air. He trembled as he looked at the ground.

"I knew she was strong... but not that strong... what did that bastard do to make her mad..." Wendy gulped.

Tiffany woke up a little later. Luana helped her to the break room and got her food, which helped comfort her before her brother went over.

"Tiff!" She paused as Garret ran over, getting a hug the second he could. Clyde, on the other hand, needed some assistance as his energy caused him to drop. Sven got to his side and helped him over to the other two. He sat down beside her as Garret pulled away, allowing her to get Clyde's hug.

"I'm alright, guys. I'm fine." Garret frowned.

"We heard about your rage. Are you sure?" She nodded.

"I'm fine. On a physical note, that is." Garret backed up as Clyde giggled.

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