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The facility was driving her even more crazier. Already spent three months in the facility, and she is ready to go out and spend the rest of her life as a teen that she is, yet she did commit a crime and is seen as a crazy patient. Those last nights she spent in this white room fighting with nurses to stay with her at night, that they were coming for her.

She is aggressive, she's dangerous like the rest of the patients here, the shadow people that come to visit her at night, telling her that she'll be the next to die, that she has fallen into their trap.

Now she doesn't thinks of herself as a badass, if not an idiot, an imbecile for falling into the trap she was put into. Camila had already made a deal with the devil, they are after her, and she fears they may go after her lover.

After Lauren, if they ever do, she won't allow it, she will haunt them down if they ever go after Lauren, make her go through the same hell she went through.

Well, it's as if they were reading her mind, because the moon shines through her room, a shadow figure approaches her bed.

Saying the next. "We're going to chase her down too, your lover will soon be one of us, like you are now"

"Don't you fucking dare!" She hisses.

The shadow figure cackling. "After you are released from here, after your five years are done, she's next, and who knows she might move to another home and you won't have time to find her before we do"

After that, it was gone.

Camila was left alone, she can not let it happen, she has to escape before her five years are done.

☆彡彡 3 уяѕ ℓαтєяミミ☆

"HURRY, ONE OF OUR PATIENTS HAVE ESCAPED" a nurse yelled through the whole facility.

When Camila had her break outside she managed to climb the wall, three years here and she won't let the five year catch up to her.

She ran through the streets, only wearing a long sleeve gray shirt and gray sweatpants. Camila is going to save Lauren before she is tracked down by her own demons.

"WHERE DID SHE GO?" a security yelled.

It's night time, and she's in the forest, hiding in the shadows and in the dark, moving everytime they ran past her.

She ran and ran, making it out of the forest and into the road, where she spotted a truck with a open trunk at the back.

Carefully, she ran to the gas station, getting on the back and hiding under all the animal fur in it.

"She must be around here" a doctor said, looking through the road along with some securities.

The owner of the truck approaches his truck. "Thank you for the luck, I'll be heading to Miami, yes I know, Jacksonville to Miami" when Camila heard Miami, her heart leaped.

ᨏᨐᨓ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈ᨓᨐᨏ

She wakes up to the truck stopping, and parking outside a gas station. Realizing she is near the area she used to live in, she hops off once the driver was gone.

Sure people stared at her, only couple at Streets, it's barely six in the morning. So no suspicions here, Camila strolls down the streets, familiar to them.

Police cars are spotted near by, so she attempts to avoid them, acting like an average person walking in the streets six in the morning.

Upon strolling and watching cars drive by, she made it into the same place she last would expect, her old school, the school she use to go to. Never managed to graduate, but had good memories.

Anyway, surprisingly she made it to Lauren house. Knocking and waiting for an answer, it is starting to sprinkle outside she doesn't cares if she gets wet though.

The door is creaked open, a smile forms on her lips, then it disappears immediately, upon seeing a married couple with their kids at the door.

"Can we help you?"

She shivers. "Uhm, the Jaureguis don't live here anymore?"

"No young lady, they moved" the wife replied nicely.

The husband seems mean, but he must keep that resting bitch all his life.

Frowning, she nods. "Okay.. Thank you"

Camila walks out of their property, to not cause any police involved.

Looking off to the distance, the rain pouring her wet. The brunette smirks, confident, running through the rain to wherever her body may take her.

Last saying to herself, more like screaming for the world to hear.


.•♫•♬• 𝑰𝒔 𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅? •♬•♫•.

𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈. :)

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