Chapter 4

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Camila's POV:

It's been couple of days since Sofia had arrived to my house and stayed from now on, matter of fact, I am really excited to go home for the first time. I don't know why, but being around Sofia makes me feel different, what is this feeling?.

As I was about to go in my bus, I was teased by Ty and his friends, then I noticed Lauren already going in her own bus with her friends.

"What got you smiling like an idiot Camila" he said to me with a teasing smile.

Innocently I reply. "What are you talking about Ty?"

Him and his friends laughed and scoffed, apparently they checked their surroundings before shoving me.

"You are really dumb you know, such an idiot"

Those words didn't hurt me at all, I'm used to the harsh words toward me.

"Ok... What ever you say.."

Once they were walking away, his last friend Pat me on the back, she smiled pity at me. Hint of sadness to it too, oh yeah, that's Chole Celeste Hosterman. Indeed she hasn't ever said anything bad about me, nor she has made fun of me before.

Last month I found out that her and Lauren are cousins, I can see why and how. Anyway, by the time she was gone I rushed to my bus so I can get home already.


Reaching he again, the same kids stucked the middle finger at me, I'm which anger me, who cares I shrugged and speed through the road, this year sounds bad as it is already. honestly I feel like my day will be better once I see Sofia's face.

Upon reaching my house door, I open it to find it quiet, well only from the living room, however upstairs was loud for sure, I can hear screaming from up there, and no doubt it's Sofia.

Smiling I threw my stuff at the same corner I leave it at, while running up the stairs the more I can hear her voice.

"I already told you Ryan, I don't have anything to do with your Bull shit" Sofia yelled through the her phone.

I stayed still and listen. "I don't want to go back.. I want to change" she continues.

Curious, I stayed quite. "Ryan go fuck off and leave me- wait what? No you can't do that"

Things started to get heated, Sofia begins to walk back and forth. "No- you can't tell my dad that I used to do that job"

"Under one condition? Okay I'll go, only for that time Ryan, it's the last time I'm going"

At the end, she hung up the phone, she sighs and turns around to rub her temples from stress, then she sees me.

"Camila! For how long were you listening?!"

I shrugged. "Eh, the part where you said I already told you Ryan.." I told her.

Sofia grunts. "Ah hum, mm please do not question what I was talking about"

"But I want to know, what's going on Sofia?"

Nervously, she walks to her quest room which was open and patted the bed for me to sit next to her.

"Carino, listen let me tell you how I met your dad."

I nodded as I got comfortable next to her body and presence. "I met your dad at the strip club I used to work at.."

"Wait what-" I was going to say more but she stopped me.

"Remember when I told you that my dad kicked me out my house because he choosed his wife over me."

I nodded once again. "Well I didn't have choice but to work there, I was to young, I was around your age, fifteen and lost and no clue where to go.. Until I got trick in to some contract for a job and resulted the men's led me to a strip club, it was to late I already sign up to attend that job"

My heart boils from her story, how could there be so much cruelty in this world. "I'm sorry to hear that, which part does my dad comes in?"

She frowns. "I'm twenty one years old, we met when I was fifteen, so six years ago, when i started, he was my seventh customer I had to satisfy. Matter of fact he was different from the other men's"

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned.

The other brunettes smiles at me. "He asked me questions how I got there so young, working in a job where a fifteen year old shouldn't"

At this point, I am fifteen too, and so if Sofia is six years older than me, and I was nine when- wait I my mom was still alive at that time, she died when I was ten, what was my father doing at a strip club?!.

"My mama was alive still, what was my father doing at a strip club?" I asked angrily.

Sofia looks down at her hands. "Camila Don't think him I went far that night, I don't what he was doing there, but Ryan was one of the guys who tricked me, so he wants me to go back for one more night.."

Letting my anger go, I could only go closer to Sofia and hug her, surprisingly she hugs me back, no has hug me back like this other than my mom.

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