Chapter 8

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Camila's POV:

Continuing my day, I smirked and already greeted some of my teachers, they didn't like the change that much, but oh well they are going to have to get used to this new Camila, because I will never take no for an answer, and besides I finally have gotten training of defending myself since Sofia sign me up I'm a class for it. Down the hallway I noticed Ty and his friends.

What the hell do they want now, I'm late to class for the first time, and they come out of  nowhere to bother me. He had that stupid grin on his face, mother fucker, go fuck off. Ty gets closer with his friends. Mean while I roll my eyes.

"Well look at the new Camila, you may have changed your appearance, but that doesn't change that you are a freak" he said laughing with the others.

I shrugged and scoffed. "What do you want now Ty? Attention, does your girl friend not give you enough"

What he doesn't know is that I am recording, so he may say something that can affect his reputation and his relationship with Lauren.

"Haha you keep my bitch name out of your mouth, little freak"

I felt like I wanted to burst out laughing and call him out, but I decided to continue with it the recording. You know, take it a step further.

"And you don't think that those words would hurt her feelings?" I questioned innocently.

He smacks his lips. "Shut the fuck up, what do you know, she's my bitch and no one else can call her that other than me"

Ty along with his friends snicker under their breaths.

I hummed. "Oh, then it won't bother her"

"Dayum nerd, course it won't, that's what she wants me to call her in bed"

Once again him and his friends cheered like boys do. Indeed I noticed Chole stare at him angrily. "No Offense Chole" he stated.

While she glanced back at me.

"Hmm okay then she likes when you call her bitch"

"Duh she do, she knows how to pleasure this man" he said pointing his crotch at the same time.

His friends cheered for him, except Chole of course. "Okay, any ways fuck off nerd what's with the questions?!"

"Oh nothing, just curious"

"Heyy Ty we got to get going" luke says patting his shoulder

At last they leave shoving me out the way, Chole one more time turns around to do the peace sign at me, I did it too and headed my way to class, wait till Lauren hears this.


On my way to lunch, alone of course, because I want to, yet from afar I noticed Lauren along with her three other friends, one I remember is Normani, the other is Cardi B never got to hear her real name, neither than Doja cat too, they hot though.

Those four girls are really sexy, but all of them are taken by jerks and ass wholes, that's why I finna be a bitch about it and around them too if they offend me.

"Camila, I heard by my other friends you are talking with my boyfriend now?" Lauren came up to me.

Crossing her arms under her breasts. Mean while I chuckled. "Please it's not like that"

Normani steps in. "Mm hm, explain nerd" no doubt I noticed a hint of a smile forming on her lips upon seeing me.

"Hurry, we don't have much time" cardi winks.

I shrugged. "I don't know what you four want me to say, I don't have anything to tell yeh"

"Don't play innocent girl" Doja was going to walk closer to me, but is stop by Lauren her self.

The green beautiful of my crush steps closer and narrowly states. "Come on Camila, don't be an ass whole, and tell me, what are you doing around my boy friend"

I had enough with my crush, so smack my lips. "Listen here, don't be a bitch Lauren"

"Excuse M-"

I stop them four.

"No no, I'm not done, Lauren your boy friend told me earlier that you are his bitch, and that he can only call you that, and you told him to call you that when y'all are in bed together, also quote said you know how to suck that man"

They stood in silence, yet the other three girls broke the silence.

"Lauren let me beat her a-"

"I'm going to knock you-"

"How dare you-"

I was surprised when Lauren was about to slap me, however on time I captured her hand and pulled her in closer to my face, surprising me again, she had a blush forming on her pale beautiful face.

Smirking I nodded. "So you don't believe me, I got proofs"

Silently and couple of seconds later, she finally reacts. "Mm show me" she said pushing me of off her.

Looking at me up and down disgusted, as if she is.

Dork To BadassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora