Chapter 15

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Narrator's POV:

It's Thursday now, as usual Camila this time took the bus, Sofia had to leave early and that left Camila to get in the bus with a bunch students that fear her now, she however felt like she's been a bully since she changed.

Not that she minds, she kind of does, but it was they deserve anyway, as she walked through the school front door, someone bumps into her, the other person dropping their things.

Acting like she didn't care, Camila just helped her pick up her stuff.

"Um.. Thank you Camila.."

She's seen this girl before, Ally Brooke, and of course Camila knows her, well used too because Ally is a cheerleader and was an excellent girlfriend of Dinah.

They were in secret and Camila knew, though Camila did not like that Ally didn't want anyone to know they were together.

"Yeah- no problem Ally" she replied, moving to the side and walking towards her own locker.

While she took her things out, from down the hallway not far from Camila, Ally headed towards Lauren and the other cheer girls, Ariana obviously with them.

Ally then says. "She just didn't do anything"

Lauren huffs. "Camila is flirt, why didn't she flirt with you?"

Keana nods adding. "For real, every girl that would bump into her she would start small talk then flirt after"

"Yeah other girls would tell me that they would her Instagram and text her, results Camila ghosted them" Belcalis said.

Every cheer girl begins to complain about Camila Cabello, Ariana watched out for Veronica, because while she did Lucy came around and greeted them.

"Hey girls what y'all talking about?" She asked innocently.

The green eye Raven sighs. "Lucy thank god tell me you still don't have feelings for your ex?!"

"Um yeah I do, why?"

Megan remarks about her. "Oh obviously you would know that Veronica is already dating-"

"Camila? Yeah I know, I don't know what's in Camila that I don't have"

"Speaking of the devil"

With Camila and Veronica, she came around with her own friends, knowing that the other group of girls are watching them, smirking Veronica turns to her friends and says.

"See girls, told you I'm dating Camila"

Hailey Stanfield rolls her eyes. "Yeah right, show us proof" crossing her arms at the same time.

Veronica makes eye contact with the other brunette, and she winks, holding her waist tightly, Camila pulls her in for a heated kiss, duh it started slow.

But then their tongues came in contact and their hands begin to roam each other's body, whimpering, yet they kept on going, not minding their friends watching and the others.

All of sudden Camila hand squeezes Veronica ass, causing the girls to squelch and whistle, then Camila didn't expected to be pulled away.

Lucy had her hand in a fist. "Lucyy hey what's up" Camila smirked knowing what's next for her, a scream of scolding.

Angrily, Lucy couldn't hold it back and punch Cabello at the face, making her fall on her back, actually hitting the lockers. Lucy and the other girls gasping in fright, especially Lauren and the other cheer girls in which they stood behind Lucy.

"Don't ever touch her like that!" The angry girl exclaimed.

"And why should I! She's my girlfriend" Camila yelled back, holding her damage lips.

Only a week Veronica and Camila had started their FAKE dating. And she's already getting the attention Lucy wanted.

"Yeah well a week into dating and you are already touching her like that!" Lucy yelled more, catching the attention of Walking by students.

Camila laughs. "Why should you care, you're her ex, y'all don't even talk-"

Before she could continue, Lucy throws another punch. "Lucy stop!" Her friends chanted her to stop.

"Camila let's go babe-" Veronica tried pulling her away, but Camila was to strong.

"Touch me one more time and you-"

Yet again Lucy throw another hit on her nose, blood pouring down.

There Camila threw herself on Lucy and both girl started their fight, students begin to record and others yelled fight, teachers pets went to go get an adult.

Veronica and Lauren glared at each other as they struggle to get through the crowd. "Control your girlfriend!" Lauren hissed. "You control your BFF" the other girl hissed..

The Loud crowd kept both girls from seeing what's going on, or either to part the two girls from fighting, in the moment coach Scott appears.

"CAMILA CABELLO AND LUCY VIVES" he shouted, mentioning the students to recording or get to class.

He pulls the two girls away from each other, and continues. "To the office now!"


In the office, Lucy sat on the right side of the chair and Camila at the left side of the chair, the principal waited patiently for their parents to arrive, and yes indeed Camila knows her father won't be here go defend her.

If Sofia comes, what will they say, what lie are they going to come up with. Her thoughts are interrupted when there is a knock on the door. "Come in"

Two parents come in, and then Sofia comes in last, good thing she was wearing a appropriate outfit, feminism but appropriate. "Please take a seat"

However the principal notice someone different, he clears his throat.

"Before I can begin what's the problem, I may say I haven't seen you before as Camila guardian, may I know who you are miss" he said looking directly at the older brunette.

Cool and chill but in the inside she's extremely nervous, she replies. "I am Camila's um-"


"I see, will I called you three because these two got into a fight-"

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