Chapter 9

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Narrator's POV:

It was done, Camila had shown the whole recording to the Raven Jauregui, she was in shock and angry, her three friends Normani, Cardi and Doja gasp in disbelief, they had their mouth hanging. Lauren clenched her fist into a tight grip.

The brunette frowns sadly. "I'm sorry that he's an ass whole"

"I can no believe this.. That bastard is lying!" Lauren exclaimed angrily.

Upset she huffs and shoves Camila out of her way, her friends following her behind. Camila shrugs and makes her way to lunch. Ready to eat alone and have some peace from the long day.

She has accomplished getting people scared of her,  backing away and not daring to mess with her, about to enter the lunch room, she felt a soft hand grip her arm.

"Woah, easy Camila" It was Ariana, one of Lauren's friends.

"Hey Ariana, sorry I didn't meant to-"

"Hehe don't worry Camila"

The cheerleader interrupted, both girls stood in silence for a couple of moments, but Camila broke the silence. "So what's up?"

Cute short girl comes back from her day dreaming. "Oh yeah, I'm having a party next week, maybe you would like to come over" she hands the other brunette the invitation.

Mean while grinning as she grabbed the invitation from Ariana. "Wow, thanks I'm going to think about it" she replied.

However Ariana had other plans. "Hey um, can we sit together and talk?"

Camila tilted her head to the side confused, yet still respond. "Yeah sure of course why not"

Unexpectedly, Ariana quickly drags Camila inside the cafeteria and both got their lunch, then they headed to the back of the lunch room where it is alone and quiet to talk at, curious the taller brunette scoffed.

Taking a sip of her milk. "I should have known you didn't want people to see us together"

Giggling Ariana shook her head. "No silly, I don't want people to hear what I need to talk to you about" she added.

"Really? Okay go ahead Grande"

She rolled her eyes. "Any ways, do you know Veronica?"

"Which Veronica?"

"The Veronica who dated Lucy Vives"

Cabello nods aggressively. "Ah i see yeah I seen her before"

"Okay listen, did you know why her and Lucy broke up" Grande question Cabello.

However Cabello denied. "Okay so Lauren and Veronica are pure enemies, and Lauren didn't like Veronica dating her best friend, so Lauren told Lucy to watch out for Veronica, she has a reputation of cheating she quoted. The Lucy had enough and agreed with Lauren so she ended it with Veronica"

"Ah huh" Cabello mention her to continue.

"And I'm still friends with both Lauren and Veronica, and Veronica wants to fake date another girl to make Lucy jealous, so I was thinking..."

Camila at that point finished her chocolate milk. "If you could fake date Veronica?"

Chuckling the Brunette shrugged. "Hmm, well-" she thought for a second, if it meant helping some one get jealous.

Ariana nervously waited for her answer hoping she would agree. "Mm okay I'm in"


Grande jumps from her spot and hugs Camila tightly, not caring if others saw her hug with the new Camila. Indeed she thought that Ariana forgot that they are in the cafeteria. "Um, Ari I think you forgot that we-" then she is interrupted.

From a happy Ariana, who actually did want a hug from her. "I don't care, as long as they don't come over here" giving in, Camila hugs her back, enjoying the feeling of the soft body on hers.

Not aware that a blush and smile was planted on the shorter girls face.

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