Chapter 20

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Narrator POV:

Camila barely ended her conversation with Lauren, they were texting just seconds ago. Camila is located in her bedroom, laying with sweat pants and a long over size shirt. Along with that, she was playing video games.

*Knock, knock*

Two knocks on the door and Camila jumped from her bed. Immediately running down stairs. And opening the door, her eyes went wide open.

Clearly surprised from her visit. Not expecting her to be here. .

"Beyonce, what are you doing here?"

"Woah can't I visit my cousin?" She asked offended.

Camila smiles. "If you are looking for Dinah remember she is not living here anymore.."

The young brunette was going to close the door, however the taller brunette put her foot between the door, keeping Camila from closing it.

"Camila I am not here for Dinah.."

"Well she left a long time ago"

Frowning Beyonce sighs. "Why don't we go inside and talk about it"

Hesitating, Camila glances at Beyonce up and down. Seeing since she is wearing not so much of a revealing clothing, which she always does but not this time.

Camila looks around their surroundings. Luckily there was no one near by, the taller girl is let in by the shorter one. Upon reaching the living room.

Both girls sit next to each other, no sign of eye contact, so Beyonce decide to speak first.

"How are you doing Camila" she asks softly.

Camila shrugging. "How did you know I was still living here"

"Sofia confirmed it"

"You know Sofia?"

"Of course I do, that's not my point though Camila, I'm here for you"

Camila expression changed upon hearing that. "No no, not like that Camila, I am going to stay here with you and Sofia"

"What grade are you in Beyonce?"

Confused she replies. "I am in Senior year, why?"

"Oh nothing I'm in Junior year"

Silence over came the room once again, yet there was one more thing that bothered Camila, that she had the urge to ask. "Do you know anything about Dinah?, I miss her"

"She was your favorite cousin huh"

"A cousin and my Best friend.."

Sadly Beyonce did not know much about the other dirty blonde since two years ago. "I have not heard of her Camila, not from two years ago"

Extending her arms out for a hug, Camila gladly hugs her tightly.. lost in the moment, while not realizing the tears forming on her eyes.


"Lauren! Lauren!" Chris called out for his sister through the house.

No sign of her in the her bedroom and he heads downstairs. Calling out for her as his voice echos. Finally reaching the kitchen and he sees her there.

She was on the phone with some one, but to mess around with his sister he sneaks up behind her. Scaring her, Lauren jumps and glares at him. He laughs at her reaction, she takes her phone away from her ear.

Covering her phone so the other person through the phone won't hear her talk to her brother.

"Chris! What do you want"

"Dam I just wanted to know if Chole is coming with us to the game?" He asked excitedly.

Jumping up and down like a child about to get his candy. Giggling the older Jauregui holds her finger up meaning for him to wait.

"Yes Miley I am here, I have to go Chris needs me"

"What?! It was Miley!"

"Yes young man"


"So what do you think Normani"

Apart from home all day, Ally and Normani hung out. Yet as the shorter girl was talking, Normani seemed to be lost in thought. As if she was missing some one.

"Normani, are you okay?"

"Hmm" the taller girl snaps out of it.

She shrugs. "I don't know Ally, I was thinking about some one.."

"And who is that someone"

Normani was scared to tell her, however Ally already knows the reason. Maybe she forgot from the past. What they went through.

One word came out of her lips. "It is Dinah.."

"Oh Normani, you used to like my ex right"

"I didn't Ally.. because I still love her"

Feeling bad for the girl, the shorter blonde grins. Hugging her tightly, she may be short, but she is like a mother to her group of friends.

They hug while Normani cried, after Ally and Dinah broke up. Normani also had a secret relationship with her, friends with benefits matter of fact. However what is messed up is that Normani promise that she was going to announce them being together to the whole world.

At this point, she regrets it. Now she doesn't cares about what the world thinks. All she wants is Dinah to come back and be with her by her side. ..


"Lauren! I wanted to talk to Miley"

"How would you know if I was talking with her?"

She crossed her arms. "Well I mean, at least you could of passed her to me"

There was a beeping sound, earlier their mother was baking a pie for later. Since she had they were going to have two special guest. Lauren was in charge for it. So she takes the pie out.

"Mm pie, who is it for?" Chris asked, his stomach grumbling.

His sister laughs. "I thought you already ate, and this is for three special guest we are having later today"

What they didn't knew was that these three special guest were non other than Miley, another cousin of their besides chole(Dove). Then the other two are Normani and her older sister Nicky (Onika).

The other problem is, Miley nor Nicky get along at all. Since highschool, Miley talked shit about Nicky and had a lot to say about her...

"Cool wonder who they are"

"We'll find out-" Lauren was interpreted when there was a knock on the door.

The doorbell ringed after, both siblings glanced at each other. But Lauren mentioned him to Walk behind her. "Follow behind me"

Nodding he followed and listen to her, they Walk towards the door. The person kept on knocking, finally Jauregui opens the door.

She gasps. "What are you doing here?"

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