Chapter Eleven : Ugh

Start from the beginning

"Right here." I replied as I walked into the living room.

Jett's parents were both sporting grey hairs. His mom had the black hair and light grey eyes, where the father held the famous blue eyes but he had blonde hair.

I extended my hand for a handshake.

"I'm McKenna Rivers. Nice to meet you." I said as I shook Jett's father hand and his mothers after.

"Nice to meet you McKenna. I'm Alfred and this is my wife Julie." Alfred said in a warm tone.

"Why did you come to South Carolina?" Julie asked in a serious and plain tone.

"Honestly, I have no idea." I gave a short laugh. "I just wanted to be anywhere but California, and tickets were still being sold to South Carolina."

"Was their a particular reason?" She asked leaning closer, it was like she was staring into my soul.

"Yes." I said answering her question.

"Does it have to do with the scars on your arms." She didn't ask but stated.

I looked down self consciously at my arms to see how bad they looked. To me they were fine, but to others it must not appear like that.

"Mother please." Jett spoke up, but I silenced him with the rising of the palm of my hand.

"No it's fine Jett. She's a women after all." I smirked.

"Glad to know we're on the same page, McKenna." Julie smirked as well.

"These scars are from countless times practice for sports. As well as few rising from my clumsiness. And others, well I'm pretty sure you know, abuse." I spoke casually.

"Abuse from my asshole of an uncle, is probably the main reason I bought that ticket. But he wasn't the reason I stayed." I said leading on to more than I said.

"Tell me, was it my son who made you come or maybe someone else, perhaps it could've been fate even." I laughed.

"Oh it was most defiantly not your son." I laughed as I looked over at Jett. "It was a good friend of his and possibly one of mine. Jacob."

"So it's Jacob I have to thank for ruining my plans?" She stated bitterly and I smiled.

"No, of course not." I paused before crossing my legs. "It's me you'll have to thank."

The tension between the two of us was high and both the males could feel it. Alfred would look at his wife as she barked at me and Jett would try to hide his pride in my by having a poker face.

Ignoring my presence, Julie faced Jett.

"You have a lot to work on before you can change my mind about this pitiful human." Jett instantly got up, ready to defend me.

"I'm sorry I can't speak your language as you bark at countless of my flaws. But one thing you must know Julie, is that no matter how much you hate my presence, I don't have plans of leaving any time soon. So please enjoy your stay."

I got up from the couch and offered to show them the way out alongside Jett.

"I like this one." Alfred said to Jett as he left.

We waved goodbye and I didn't miss the rolling of the eyes from Julie, making me mentally laugh.

I walked over to the couch as Jett shut the door.

"Wow." He breathed.

"What?" I asked.

"That was so damn sexy." Jett beamed with pride and lust.

The Girl Who Cried Wolf (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now