14. The burn

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Helena had a hard time focusing at work. She was walking up the main staircase with Eric. He was explaining to her some of his patients' struggles. She was just nodding, not really paying attention to what he was saying. Suddenly, when they reached the second floor he stopped and looked at her.

"Your mind is somewhere else Helena," he said.

"I didn't get a lot of sleep last night," she admitted and it was the truth.

Before getting ready for the hospital she spent most of the time lying in bed and going through everything that had happened between her and Nozel. It was embarrassing for her to be acting, like she was a teenager. However since she was known for quickly loosing her feelings and had not been romantically involved with anyone for the past year, it was quite exciting and refreshing to have them. Helena's head was filled with conflicted emotions. Most of all she was worried, about how was she going to act around Nozel, now that she knew. Staying as friends was a decent option, but Helena was never good at hiding her feelings. If he found out, he could reject her. However since they were both adults she hoped that he would do it respectfully and would keep on treating her politely.

"Earth to Helena!" Eric clasped his hands right in front of her face. She jumped up. "You dozed off again. Are you sure you're alright?" He asked with a worried expression. His warm brown eyes were looking up at her.

"Yes of course," she chuckled and straightened out her white, unsymmetrical, healer's blazer with light blue trimmings. "I just have a lot on my mind, that's all."

"Well," Eric spoke and dropped his gaze. He lifted his right hand and scratched the back of his neck. A small blush creeped up on his face. "If you're free this evening, maybe you'd like to go out. Get your mind off these things, that are bothering you."

"Oh," Helena said surprised. "I'm sorry I have other plans for today," she answered. They included talking to Nozel and explaining her sudden escape from the library. Besides she did not really want to stop thinking about those things.

Eric was visibly upset by her answer. His eyes darkened, but he put on a forced smile.

"Don't worry," he said. "Maybe some other time." Eric looked at the hallway on his right and then turned to her. "If you'll excuse me. I've just realised, that I have to see some patients on this floor."

"Of course," Helena smiled softly. She felt bad for rejecting him, but what else could she do. "Do your job."

She also needed to check on the boy, that she had bandaged previously. He broke his leg, while trying to use his water magic for surfing down the stairs. Helena was amazed by ideas that kids had these days.

She walked into the room he was in and approached the boy. He was around twelve years old, but was quite scrawny for his age. He had dark hair and light complexion. He seemed all cheered up, since the pain weakened. Using her mana Helena checked the progress of his healing. The bones were stitching themselves up nicely. She smiled at the boy.

"Good job on your healing," Helena said and ruffled his hair. He chuckled at that and it reminded her of her baby hermano Antonio.

"Thank you doctor," he grinned proudly.

Suddenly the door to the room opened and a healer Helena knew by sight walked in.

"Doctor Helena," the woman said. "There's someone who wants to see you."

Helena looked up surprised. Who could it be? She did not know many people in Clover and even fewer knew about her connection to the hospital. Only doctor Owens, Wizard King, the Vermillons and Silvas were aware of her work. Furthermore her hosts did not realise, that she was there anonymously. Besides Nebra and Solid were away on a mission. Helena furrowed her brows confused.

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