32. The man she loves

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Two days before the Royal Knights exam Helena and the Silvas come back from their beach get away, during which Helena has realised some things.

Chapter Text

Helena was sitting in the little room above the library. She was trying to read a book and was waiting for Nozel to come. In the morning she and the Silvas returned from their short beach holidays. Later Helena went to see doctor Owen and discussed with him her role during the Royal Knights Entrance Exam. It was happening in two days. She was going to be on duty in the Healers Tower and take care of the wounded, that he would send her way, if there would be any.

The siblings on the other hand flew to the Silver Eagle's headquarters. Nozel needed to make sure that everything worked like a clockwork. He was such a perfectionist.

It was quite late in the evening and Nebra and Solid had already come back. When Helena came out to greet them, she found out that Nozel had been called by the king and it would take some time, before he got home. She was not happy with this turn of events.

Since the previous night at the beach estate, they did not get a moment alone. This meant that the conversation they had, was very much unfinished. After many contradictory thoughts, that kept appearing in Helena's brain, she finally made up her mind. She was going to confess to Nozel this evening.

Admitting to herself that she loved him came naturally. However speaking it out loud and to his face did not. She wondered what his answer would be, how would he react. Obviously in the most preferable scenario for Helena, Nozel would say that he loves her back and then they would live happily ever after. However she worried that things would not be this simple. Or maybe it was just her brain doing all the overthinking.

Despite that she felt, that she needed to let him know, even if it meant waiting for his answer. Helena was awful at hiding her feelings, especially from him, so she wanted to speak up. She chose to tell Nozel at the most romantic setting that she could think of. The little room above the library, the place that was important to him and where they had shared their first kiss. The memory made her cheeks flush and a comfortable warm feeling appeared in her chest. Her heart was full of love.

She could not wait for Nozel to come. She would not bombard him with her confession right away. Helena would pick the best moment, speak up and if everything would go well, maybe one thing could lead to another. The little room could become a place for yet another first. She blushed furiously. The thought made her feel embarrassed and just as much excited.

Helena could not focus on her book. The romance story, which normally would engage her, seemed so dim compared to her emotions. However since he was still absent, she had nothing else to do.

She was wearing a comfortable red long sleeved blouse with shoulder openings. For the lower part she put on white, puffy pants. On her feet was a pair of fluffy socks. They were warm. Her dark, chocolate hair was let loose and she put a few strands, behind her ear, so that it would not obstruct her view.

Another hour passed and Nozel did not show up. Helena wondered what the king could want from him and why was he taking this long. Waiting was unbearable. She was getting bored of flipping more and more pages. She would soon reach the end of the story.

After some time it became too dark for her to read. The sun had set and Nozel did not come. Helena sighed and closed her book. She put it on the pile, which lied by the wall in the little room. It was late and she got tired of waiting. Helena was going to ask the servants, whether he had gotten back home.

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