20. The healing

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Spoilers for episode 54

Silva siblings are on a mission and Helena has time to spare, so some interesting meetings will take place.

Helena was supposed meet Rill Boismortier at his family's residence in the capital. The meeting had been scheduled by Nozel beforehand, so the Aqua Deer's captain was expecting her. It was a perfect time to see him, because all of the Silvas left on a mission and Helena had more spare time.

She was let into the estate and led upstairs by an elderly butler named Walter. He had short grey hair, which parted on the left side. The man grew a large mustache and across his forehead ran a large scar. Despite that his expression was calm and friendly. He wore a black suit jacket over a white collared shirt and a black string tie.

Walter let Helena into a sizeable room with light blue walls. It had large windows and they were partly covered by white curtains. There was a wooden table quite close to the entrance. Further down the room there was a mostly empty space with an easel in the middle. It was blank and facing it sat a boy with spiky, aqua colored hair.

Rill Boismortier wore a light blue, fluffy mantle and a matching, long cape which covered his back. He was so focused on what was in front of him, that he did not notice Helena and Walter come in.

"Rill-sama," the butler cleared his throat. "Your guest had arrived."

The boy jumped up from his seat and very energetically turned around. He had a round, childlike face. His big, wide open eyes were pink and a bit droopy on the outside. They shone brightly with excitement. He had thin roundish eyebrows and a small nose. Underneath the cape and the fluffy mantle Rill wore a dark blue vest and a matching set of pants. He had a light brown belt with an attached griamore satchel tied at his waist. His shoes were simple brown, slip-ons.

"You're here!" He screamed excited and lifted his hands to his face, opening the palms. Rill ran up to them and halted abruptly nearly bumping into Helena. He was a bit shorter than she was. "I was waiting for you!" He jumped up in place. "I couldn't believe it, when Captain Nozel approached me and asked ME to be his Royal guest's tutor. He also said that you're a fellow artist!" Pink eyes widened, when he looked at her. "Do you paint? Because I do."

Helena was slightly overwhelmed by the young, overly energetic and friendly captain. He was only nineteen years old, so she expected him to be quite lively, but not this much in the first few seconds of their meeting. It was probably, because of their shared interests, that he could not wait to get to know her.

"Hello, my name is Helena," she said smiling gently at him. "And yes I'm a fellow artist. Although I favor pencil art."

"What do you sketch?" Rill asked hurriedly. The butler stood beside Helena not moving an inch, but he had a fond expression on his face, when looking at his young lord.

"Mostly people, but honestly anything that I enjoy looking at," she explained.

"So others are your source of inspiration?" He lifted his hand to his chin, scratching it slightly. "I'm having trouble with creating my own masterpiece," he admitted.

"Rill-sama," the butler respectfully interrupted him. "Lady Helena came here so that she could brainstorm with you about her magic. You could ask her to sit down at the table with you," he wanted to direct his lord's attention towards the actual point of the visit.

"Oh yes of course!" He admitted excited. "Please sit down Helena-sama."

"Just Helena will be fine," she smiled gracefully.

"Then I will bring some tea," Walter announced leaving them in the room.

Helena made her way to the table and sat down. She took off the shoulder bag, she had carried with her and put it on the wooden surface. She brought a few of her sketchbooks. Rill sat in front of her and leaned forward placing his arms on the table.

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