12. The game

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Helena had a hard time focusing on her work at the hospital. She was glad that her shift was close to an end. The talk, that she had with Nozel the day before, left her feeling anxious. Not only the Eye of The Midnight Sun was immensely powerful, but they also possibly had a spy amongst the captains. She was hoping, that Nozel was wrong with his suspicion.

After their conversation they stayed in his office for a while, looking out the window in silence. However later Helena needed to go to the hospital, so she left him to his thoughts. When she came back, she was hoping to see him in the library, but he did not show up and she could not find him anywhere. She was getting worried. Nozel was under a lot of pressure, from the society as the Magic Knight's captain. However the biggest strain was what he required from himself - perfection.

When Helena came back to the Silva estate she did not see Nebra or Solid. They were probably still at the Silver Eagle base. She decided to check if Nozel was absent too. After changing into a casual, red dress, which was short sleeved and reached down to her knees, she went to look for him in his office. She guessed that, if he was agitated he would probably be sitting there.

She stopped in front of the dark wooden door and lightly knocked.

"Enter," she heard a familiar, cold voice. Helena pushed on the handle and quietly went inside. Nozel was sitting at the single chair, behind his desk. He was going through some reports. He looked up at her from his paperwork, and a stern expression softened, when he realised who visited him. "What do you need Helena?"

"I just came to check up on you," she said in a genuine tone and pushed away one of the bangs, that fell on her forehead.

"Check up on me?" Nozel asked surprised. He put down, the sheet of paper, that he was holding.

"How did the captains meeting go?" Helena went over his question. She looked at his narrow lilac eyes. His braid was neatly positioned right over his nose. "Were you right?" Her voice was shaking, when she spoke.

Nozel slowly closed his eyes and his face grew tense. He tilted his head forward and the blue Silva pendant, attached to the braid, fell below the tip of his nose.

"It was Gueldre Pozoit, the Purple Orca's captain," he spoke coldly. "That traitor sold his country."

Helena held her breath. It was awful, to be betrayed by those who were supposed to be the most trusted. The knot in her stomach grew tighter, but she overcame it. She made a few steps to his desk and put her hands on top of it.

"Is he in prison?" She asked determined.

"If it was my choice," Nozel spoke gravely serious. "He would have been executed for his crimes."

"But you caught him. That's all that matters," Helena commented trying to placate the eldest Silva.

"He tried to escape with his transparency magic. It allowed him to become invisible and avoid our magical attacks. He also created unseeable soldiers to fight us," Nozel explained. His gaze was cold and distant. "While we fought them, this peasant Asta caught the traitor, because he could not escape the kid's anti-magic. Then Rill Boismortier, captain of the Aqua Deer, immobilised him with his painting spells. The rest of us got there later."

"What exactly did Gueldre do?" Helena asked.

"He sold artefacts, accepted illegal deals and business," Nozel looked up at her serious. "But the worst crime, was his disposal of the barrier mages. He is the reason why they were able to attack the capital," he curled up his fists. She noticed his sharp jaw clench.

"He is the reason, Fuego is in a coma," Helena finished for him.

"That's right," he admitted quietly.

Paper Hearts (Nozel x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant