10. The breakdown

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The next morning Helena met with the Silvas for breakfast, at which she found out what had happened the day before. Trying to understand the course events from the bits and pieces, that she saw with her own eyes was exhausting. She was glad to live with magic knights, who were in a loop.

During the banquet, which was after the magic knights got their promotions, suddenly they received a message about an unexpected attack on the capital. They stopped in their actions. Under Fuegoleon's leadership, they divided into five teams, in which they spread throughout the besieged districts. The Blue Rose captain Charlotte Roselei and her pupil went to the east district. Golden Dawn members split into two groups one going to protect the west and the other north-west. Fuegoleon, Leopold and two Black Bull newbies, Noelle Silva and anti magic user Asta, headed to the north district. The Silver Eagles covered the central part, of which Helena was already aware. It was where her hospital was situated.

In each one of these places the undead were crowding and attacking the citizens. The magic knights quickly dealt with them. However in the north district was the enemy mage Rades, responsible for making the disgusting creatures. The Black Bull's anti magic newbie did his best fighting him, but needed to be saved by Fuegoleon. The Crimson Lion's captain defeated the criminal, but after his feat things went downhill. There were two more members of the evil organisation, hiding in the capital. One of them was a talented space magic user, who sent most of the magic knights far away from the city. This explained the appearance of the black substance that took away the Silvas. Fuegoleon was also kidnapped, but moved somewhere else than the rest. Only Black Bull's newbies, Leopold and a young protege from the Golden Dawn squad, Yuno remained to fight the enemies.

The other attacker was a woman, who was able to suck out people's mana, which was strongly connected to their life force. She was able to send out curses, which after they hit their target, they had many unexpected consequences. The Golden Squad newbie was her opponent. After a strenuous fight he managed to defeat her, with some help from the Black Bull's member Charmy Pappitson. However Yuno was no ordinary person. A legendary four-leafed clover griamore had chosen him as his owner and during the combat he managed to connect with one of the four great elemental spirits, the Wind Spirit Sylph. These creatures were made up of mana and could form a bond, serving individual mages who had the same magic attribute as them. They would greatly increase the magical power of their holders. Nozel admitted that after the magic knight's entrance exam, he wanted to accept the plebeian boy, into the Silver Eagle's ranks. However Yuno chose the Golden Dawn.

Soon after an unconscious and wounded Fuegoleon was spit out from the dark space portal. His brother Leo, Black Bull's Asta and Noelle watched it happen.

More opponents from the enemy's group appeared and they started attacking the young magic knights. Fortunately the ones that were sent away, including the Silvas, managed to work together. They used a multi magical spell to come back to the capital on time. The healer princess Mimosa Vermillon, who Helena had met during the banquet, managed to keep Fuegoleon alive. Nozel cast his silver rain spell, but the enemies with help of a magical mixture, adjusted their magic to defend themselves from him. The girl attacker, who managed to do so, kidnapped the anti-magic kid Asta. The enemy ran away using space magic. They introduced themselves as the Eye of the Midnight Sun, a group that would destroy Clover.

Nozel then took charge and ordered to strengthen the capital's defences and call for reinforcements. He suspected that there could have been more enemies.

After they brought Fuegoleon and Leo to the healer's tower, the wizard King Julius Novachrono appeared in front of the magic knights. He had captured one of the enemies and brought Asta back. Julius fought the kidnappers, but their leader appeared and helped them escape.

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