35. The tension

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Spoilers for BC episode 87

Chapter Text

Before she left the healer's tower with Solid, Helena had found out from Doctor Owen the results of the Royal Knight's exam. The team that Noelle, Golden Dawn's Yuno and Green Mantis' En Rignard were on, won the final. However it was due to Captain Rill Boismortier releasing too much magic and destroying his own crystal.

When Helena met him, she realised that he could be very passionate, especially about art. Since it was his magical attribute it was not surprising, that he let himself get carried away.

Now the magic knights just needed to wait for the information, whether they were chosen for the squad or not.

Helena sighed, she needed to get Solid and head back to the Silva Estate. She did not want to do so. She knew that she would feel even worse there. Just thinking about seeing Nozel made her broken heart painfully sink into her chest.

She knocked on the door of the room that Solid was in.

"Come in," she heard his irritated voice.

Helena entered and he angrily hissed at her. He looked much better, there were still some bandages covering few little scrapes, but at least his rib cage looked fully healed. She approached him and reached her palms towards him just to make sure. Using her mana she searched for irregularities, but did not feel any. Now he just needed to rest and let his body naturally heal. His brows were furrowed during the whole examination.

"You're alright," Helena announced. "We can head back."

Solid just huffed and began putting on some clothes. Since his tunic was ripped he was provided with a clean blouse. He threw on his mantle and cape and brushed his hair.

Solid angrily passed Helena and walked out the room.

"Great," Helena sighed to herself.

Now the only person in the Silva household, that she had no beef with was Nebra.


Helena finished her shift at the hospital. She was torn between staying longer or going back to the Silva Estate. None of these options seemed good for her.

Ever since Eric saw her making out with Nozel, their relationship had become tense and all the pleasantries felt strained. Even Dina, the young woman, that Helena took under her wing, was now uncomfortable around her. The rumor circulated through their inner circle of the hospital healers and now Helena was being partially excluded. Obviously she had apologized to Eric, but she still came out as a cold-hearted bitch, because she knew that he was coming and did not care for his feelings enough to remember. Besides kissing anyone at the office and during work hours, was very unprofessional.

On the other hand at the Silva Estate she would have to have dinner with the siblings. Helena still had not seen Nozel since their talk in his office two days before and she had no idea, how would she react. At the moment she was fine, or at least was convincing herself to be. She hid the pain under, her patients, bad work atmosphere and anger. However each time his face popped up in her head, a hurtful knot tightened in her stomach.

Out of both awful options Helena chose the latter one. She needed to face Nozel at some point in the future. It was not like she was moving out any time soon.

She got back to the estate without any interruptions. The high walls felt overwhelming. As if they would collapse on her any minute. Her room was the only safe place. However when Helena glanced at her desk, she was reminded, that after she was interrogated by Damnatio, she and Nozel kissed there. He said something about her running away, at that point she had not thought it possible.

Paper Hearts (Nozel x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang