Chapter 24

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If every simple question in the world had an equally simple answer, how great and peaceful would the world be?

Lily's world had been in chaos for the last few hours.

She, who had always been so bold and decisive, never one to hesitate or rethink herself was now rethinking every one of her life choices.

This is it, Selene. She texted. It's over. Let's forget about each other from today. I'm leaving the country.

It took a moment for Selene to reply and Lily pounced on her phone the moment she heard a ping sound.


... Excuse you?

Not even a 'safe journey'?

She didn't feel like gracing that disgraceful text with a reply so she turned off her phone and shoved it in my purse.

Five seconds later, she grudgingly took out the phone and started texting back: It's just SO embarrassing! I can't ever show my face in public again!!!

In that case, burying yourself might be a better option

Lily let three small dots speak for her this time.

It was a simple advice, Lilithe. You may choose to discard it


And down went her phone. Not in the drain, like she thought of doing for a moment, but back into her purse.

Blaise might've looked quite unruffled on the surface but no one was aware of the brewing anxiety that had slowly built up over the past few hours

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Blaise might've looked quite unruffled on the surface but no one was aware of the brewing anxiety that had slowly built up over the past few hours.

He had watched his chef painstakingly prepare a lavish dinner while thinking that food might go to waste. She might not arrive.

He would go and personally pick her up so there'd be no such anxiety but she told him not to. And even if it killed him, he wouldn't do something she didn't want.

He looked at the wall clock. Back to the matter at hand, she might not come.

What if his balancing went slightly off-kilter and she got too scared? He could calculate all he wanted, think of twenty different possibilities of her reactions but he would never be able to predict her thoughts a hundred percent. He might account for ninety-nine percent of it but the one percent that he never could have predicted might occur and take her away from him.

He was already planning all the ways he would coax her to come back to him, wash away her fears when he heard the sound of footsteps making their way towards the dining room.

Standing up from the chair, he turned towards the source of the sounds as his housekeeper led Lilithe to him. As the knots in his heart gradually unlaced, he made a note to give his housekeeper a pay raise.

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