Chapter 12

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After the shopping spree, he took her to a restaurant for dinner. The one where they dined on their first meeting.

Sure enough, the staff members blanched once they took note of him.

That same middle-aged guy from earlier stepped in.

"A private room, as per usual, sir?"

"As per usual."

It was a sleek and sophisticated private room on the upper floor. The walls were painted in a cool gray, creating a contrast with the dark wood floor. The windows were covered with sheer curtains, letting the occupants bask in the silvery light.

Lily looked at the chairs surrounding the table, upholstered with black leather and chrome legs, and wondered out loud:

"Why didn't you go with this one last time?"

"I did not want you to feel uncomfortable being alone with a strange man, especially after what you went through." His eyes bore into her, relentless and intense, as he calmly pulled the chair back for her.

A thought made intruded at the front of her mind, increasing the palpitations of her heart, what did he know?

But she shrugged off the budding unease, escaping once again, as she sat down on the chair pulled back for her, draping one leg over the other. "So now you don't think I'll be uncomfortable anymore?"

"Would it be too bold of me to assume we are friends, now?"

"Friends?" She laughed. "We're no longer strangers, I'll give you that much."

"Ouch." He had a carefree smile on his face. "Whatever will I have to do to reach that level, then?"

He sat himself down across from her, face tilted indolently to the side.

She leaned towards him with a look in her eyes that was no less than tantalizing. "You want to be friends with me, Blaise?"

Blaise seemed to be at a loss for a few moments before he replied, leaning towards her as well, "And if you will allow it, maybe something more."

His gaze was all-consuming, emotions swirling like a cyclone. She recognized the ever-present callousness in his eyes, those were nothing new. She discovered the hidden desire reserved for her. But she couldn't guess at that one specific emotion that was slowly overtaking all else, a bit more every time she met him.

What was it?

It was alarming as much as it was unfamiliar.

Lily didn't want to overthink. She didn't want to ruin anything.

So Lily did what she was good at. She leaned back, pretending that moment didn't happen.

"You mean, you want us to date?" She asked him instead in a laughing manner.

Something close to forbearance passed through his eyes, in a way that softened its callus edges. His soft lips hooked in a blithe smile. "Is it funny? Am I to be laughed at for liking you?"

"I wasn't laughing at that. It's just that..." she defended herself, eyes twinkling, as she rapidly thought up a reason. "You often talk like you're in the medieval era or something."

A mesmeric chuckle sounded. "I guess reading so many classics growing up stuck with me."

"You like reading?"

"You sound surprised."

"Well... I mean-" A lean finger pressed against her lips, making her swallow back the next words.

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