Chapter 6

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It was a few days after that night and Lily had made up her mind. Men so dangerously alluring didn't fall from trees. She'd be stupid if she didn't take the chance to spend some time with him. And after a few weeks, when they both get bored, they'll separate and continue with their lives.

Simple enough. Like it had always been with her.

She was startled as her phone started ringing with the caller ID Straitlaced Max flashing. She had added 'straitlaced' before his name just to humour Selene as she kept insisting that it defined his entire personality. She wanted to tell Selene about the pot calling the kettle black but she knew that woman would argue that she was indifferent, not uptight.

She then sighed after ignoring the call. Okay, maybe the separation wasn't always so simple with her since this cop kept on calling her even after she ended it.

It was tough being so desirable.

Of course, Selene wasn't so happy with her decision. Lily could understand that. Blaise Roosevelt wasn't a joke. He was dangerous.

But that made her want to get involved with him even more.

She was bored.

She needed to be involved in something that would regularly guarantee a healthy dose of terror. Where one mishap could cost her a life. That was what made life riveting.

The perilous thrill.

Of course, trouble will come in all too readily if he discovered who she was.

... she needed to be extremely careful just so Blaise didn't suspect her to be Ruby Wraith. Even if Selene found no connection between him and the Giovanni Family, she was still technically killing those of his kind.

The result would be ugly if it got exposed.

She was snapped out of her bubble of thought as the bell ring sounded. Selene walked out to open it.

Lily quickly hid behind the silver-plated wall, in case it was one of her ex-boyfriends who didn't get the hint and insisted on pathetically chasing after her.

Yet, as Selene with her tiny frame opened the door, what awaited was the much taller, dark-haired, mahogany-eyed Mafia boss.

Now that was a surprise.

With hands in his pockets, his stance was laid-back. He gave Selene a polite smile which Lily was sure she didn't reciprocate.

Before he could say anything, Lily stepped away from the wall she was hiding behind and walked towards those two nonchalantly as if she was just passing by and happened to see them there.

"Just the man I was thinking of," she said, smirking as he rested his eyes on her. "What has he been up to these days?"

He shrugged, languidly.

"If I told you, I would lose my aura of mystery."

She led him to the drawing room and offered him a seat on the light velvet sofa. "Also, I'm not going to ask how you knew my address."

He raised an elegant brow after sitting down.

A friendly smile played on his lips as he asked, "Because you're the kind of person who let things go or because you already know?"

It was her turn to shrug, though not nearly so languidly.

"Answering that would lessen my aura of mystery." She winked playfully as his smile widened.

And then Selene entered the room as well but plopped down on a different sofa. Picking up the opened book beside her with a dainty hand, she continued reading from where she left off.

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